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  • Harikalar Kutusu Friend

    OK, I finished the design. When I disable development mode AND put CSS/JS to compress & minify AND open the Joomla cache from time to time the frontpage collapses, showing the menu on the left downwards/chashed.

    I used this template on J1.5.x without any problem.

    1) It can be a template problem
    2) It can be a Jat3 problem
    3) It can be a Joomla Cache problem. In fact although the caching is disabled, the Joomla cache was producing page items under cache, so need to delete them continuously during development.

    Is this a known problem? My site does not work in full speed with these settings (except expires headers in .htaccess).

    Here it is: http://www.adalarturizm.org

    Thank you in advance.

    Manos Moderator


    Looks like addthis is causing some troubles/conflicts on your site, since the problem you describe is not something that i have seen many times and whenever i’ve seen it it was a js conflict please try by disabling this and check if the problem remains, yet i wasn’t able to reproduce the problem so in case you face this problem using a specific browser i’d like to hear about that.



    Harikalar Kutusu Friend

    Thank you pascm,

    Now I disabled AddThis, turned on J! cache, disabled development mode on the template, CSS is Join & Minify, JS is Join only. So far there are no problems. I’ll incrementally search for other possibilities…


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