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  • maplegro Friend


    So my image is showing in the slideshow lite extension but not the text box.

    Here is what I have..

    <h3>Maple Grove UMC</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt duis tristique eget Morbi <a href=”” title=”Sample link”>consectetuer</a>.</p>

    Let me know what you think?

    tfosnom Friend

    Hey There
    Looking at the guide for the slideshow, I see no class declaration attached to the text description inline with text in the examples given.
    Try removing <blockquote>class=”leftright”</blockquote>” from the description text, then refresh the cache; reload page and see if that makes a difference?
    Blessings Shannon

    maplegro Friend

    Unfortunately it doesn’t help..

    <h3>Maple Grove UMC</h3><p>We are an open community of Christians who love God and serve our neighbors (Luke 10:27).</p>

    I do see in the code that the “alt” isn’t showing up at all.. thoughts?

    tfosnom Friend

    Hi Mate
    I put your text into my localhost uinversity slideshow, (which is the latest version downloaded yesterday) and still has all the quickstart based sample data and default settings, and the text appears perfectly. perhaps you need to dl the latest JA Slideshow version from the University download section, uninstall/reinstall to latest version and try again.

    Here’s my screenshot to prove it works on latest version.

    In Christ’s service

    1. 16-09-2012-7-14-56-PM
    maplegro Friend

    Thanks I’ll give it a shot! 🙂

    maplegro Friend

    no luck 🙁

    tfosnom Friend

    Hi Maplegro

    Wow. I can’t fathom why it’s not working, Sorry. All I can ask is; have you modified any core features, created any overides for certain pages? Could you try setting the backend display to the same settings as mine (attached screenshot) just for comparision/elimination purposes?

    Bllessings Shannon

    1. 17-09-2012-12-51-19-PM
    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi Maplegro,

    First, i can’t access to backend your site. For your error,I don’t see any description. I think your config has problem or it’s overridden by template issue.

    Please upgrade to the lastest version of modules, and reconfig / check overridden by template layout, and clear all cache.

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi Maplegro,

    Modules slideshowlite does not show any description as demo because you are wrong to config.

    You get images from folder “/images/slideshow”, and params “Advanced Configuration”:

    <h3>Undergraduate programs for all</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt duis tristique eget Morbi <a href=”#” title=”Sample link”>consectetuer</a>.</p>

    <h3>Top 10 Math Professors in LA</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat.</p>

    <h3>Smart is beautiful</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat. A eget morbi consectetuer tincidunt.</p>

    <h3>How to choose a university?</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat. A eget morbi consectetuer tincidunt.</p>


    but in folder “/images/slideshow” it does not exist in file “sl-1.jpg”, “sl-2.jpg”, “sl-3.jpg”,”sl-4.jpg”, so, i call 2 images in folder “/images/slideshow” but each image is not configured the description for.

    In thiscase, the correct code is below:


    <h3>Undergraduate programs for all</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt duis tristique eget Morbi <a href=”#” title=”Sample link”>consectetuer</a>.</p>

    <h3>Top 10 Math Professors in LA</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat.</p>


    maplegro Friend

    Thanks! that did it. I really appreciate the help!

    eliasparra Friend

    Hello, the reference is right:

    <h3>Undergraduate programs for all</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt duis tristique eget Morbi <a href=”#” title=”Sample link”>consectetuer</a>.</p>

    <h3>Top 10 Math Professors in LA</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat.</p>

    <h3>Smart is beautiful</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat. A eget morbi consectetuer tincidunt.</p>

    <h3>How to choose a university?</h3><p>Aliquam Sed mauris quis tincidunt Duis tristique vitae Vestibulum In consequat. A eget morbi consectetuer tincidunt.</p>

    scuseme, but in the position where is “#” hast to be wirtten the complete URL (http://www….)?.
    The box text no function for me.
    I know, I´m wrong, but I don´t can found, where is me problem.
    I have a file: images/sampledata/slideshow (and than the img: sl-1.jpg….sl-5.jpg)

    The last cuestion. If I hav 5 picture for the slide. But I need the box text just in one from them. What I need to do?.

    Thankyou for your help.


    MoonSailor Friend

    HI eliasparra,

    Please upgrade module to the latest version and if you still fail, could you please give me url, admin your site? I will check it for you.

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