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  • evecoll Friend

    Ja-Wall: Why does the lunges switcher module not appear?

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    Language Switcher module is showing on your but with empty data. Please have a look at both images on your site and my end, see the screenshot. You will see the language menu does not effect on your site. You need to finish steps below

    • Create Root Category for every Language
    • Create Menus(every Language own Menu: Home default, English and German)
    • Create Menu Items & Menu Item Association
    • Create Menu Modules(every Language own Menu Module)

    Hope it helps


    1. your_site-1
    2. my_end
    evecoll Friend

    When you would look inside, you would have seen, that i did that!
    Why does ist not appear?

    – Menues, Catégorie etc, in both langages

    Is it because i have stady this massage? My provider said, it has something t do with the template!

    1. Bildschirmfoto-2016-02-16-um-09.37.13
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You need to create

    • Default menu page (the first time access to your site) with All languages

    • English menu and assign it to English language

    • German menu and assign it to German language
    evecoll Friend

    Sorry, i get a little bit………
    Default menu page (the first time access to your site) with All languages: I did that
    English menu and assign it to English language: I did that
    German menu and assign it to German language: I did that

    It would be kind when you tell me straight……

    On which position should the language flags at all opera?
    Thanks for reply

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can see sprachen module (Language Switcher) is showing under search position but it does not show the flag on that because at this moment, the main menu of each language doesn’t have default menu item.

    Pls open main menu for each language and set one Default menu item for it. Check these screenshots:

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-02-17-at-11.39.22
    2. Screen-Shot-2016-02-17-at-11.40.33
    3. Screen-Shot-2016-02-17-at-11.40.53
    4. Screen-Shot-2016-02-17-at-11.43.31
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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