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  • cleweb Friend


    I have something that i cannot understand in ja wall / feed youtube

    I setup the feed plugin with my youtube info and it works fine … except 2 things
    – it will create post only for video upload by myself in youtube not my playliste
    – if i update the post in ja wall, the video disappears ven if if didn’t change anyting

    any clue about this ?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello Cleweb,

    <blockquote>- it will create post only for video upload by myself in youtube not my playliste</blockquote>
    Yes, JA social feed plugin only gets video that uploaded by your account now

    <blockquote>- if i update the post in ja wall, the video disappears ven if if didn’t change anyting</blockquote>

    Please check the “Start Publishing” and “Finish Publishing” property if they have correct data.

    cleweb Friend

    tx for your reply

    the post appears correctly in the wall so start and finish publishing date aren’t “guilty ” 😉
    only the video embeded disappears when you read the post
    i have just the link {source youtube} and the comment form

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Do you have a URL you could share with us to more fully understand this issue and see it for ourselves?

    Thank you!

    mbs2008 Friend

    I am having this same issue.

    Link to the Video Wall: http://www.urbanswankblog.com/the-urban-swank-channel
    Direct link to video that does not display: http://www.urbanswankblog.com/the-urban-swank-channel/533-youtube-id-yhtsunginjs

    FYI: This is not happening to all videos and only those that I have updated. For example, after adding the Extended Classes on the article to change color or size. The picture shows in the preview, but the video does not display or show when looking at the full article.

    Thanks in advance!

    mbs2008 Friend

    Use this direct link instead as I had to embed the YouTube video manually for the example above in the interim:


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello mbs2008,

    I have checked the link that you gave at

    Video still display properly. Did you resolve this issue or you updated video embed code manually?

    If this bug is not resolved, please send me administrator account via PM. I’ll check and resolve it for you.

    mbs2008 Friend

    Yes, I had to embed the videos manually via YouTube embed code as the video was not displaying and we are in production.

    I have provided a path to reproduce this issue in the response above. I will send info via PM.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    <em>@mbs2008 327961 wrote:</em><blockquote>FYI: This is not happening to all videos and only those that I have updated. </blockquote>

    Hello mbs2008,

    I known the cause of this issue, when you edit article and save it. Its content was filtered and remove some tags that defined in blacklist tags (script,applet,iframe). Youtube video code is use iframe tag, so it is removed from article content.
    To solve this issue, you need update your youtube profile (in ja social feed form) to use old embeld code type (is use object tag),
    or you need remove iframe tag from ignore list (this list is defined in tinymce plugin, so you need go to plugin manager page, filter with editors group, you will see tiny mce plugin)

    mbs2008 Friend

    I actually did both suggestions:

    1. I went to my Tiny MCE plugin and removed “iframe” from the list of prohibited items.
    2. I updated my JA Social Feed Plugin to use the “old embed” code.

    I think it was really item # 1 that fixed the issue. Upon saving, it was stripping the iframe code out, therefore leaving no video.

    Thanks for your help!

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