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  • paoloci Friend

    I love ja wall template.
    I had used in another site especially for his own blog view to see the news in a voice of main menu.
    But now I have installed in another site and I can’t do working the template.
    It’s very weird because I use the same couple of template “Shape5 and Ja-Wall for the news”.. so vertex and t3 not gives to me conflict usually.
    Only in this last domain I can’t fix the problem. Any idea?
    The site is http://www.orientecristiano.it
    and the page that have ja-wall in blog view are these

    Thanks for any help and suggest.

    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see that in these pages:

    the main menu is working properly.

    Only this page: http://www.orientecristiano.it/ which is using shape5 template, the menu is not working. If you use editor like Firebug or Inspect Element in Chrome, you will see that there are so many JS error comes from Shape5 template: http://prntscr.com/3hj6xa . Did you try to contact template’s provider for help on this?

    paoloci Friend

    Thanks for answer.
    Yes I contact the shape5 developer immediately.
    Do you think that js errors invalidate to see ja-wall in
    http://www.orientecristiano.it/view/…/spiritualita/ ?

    The js problem could a problem only for the home and not for
    http://www.orientecristiano.it/view/…/spiritualita/ ?

    I need the same result that I had obtain here
    shape5 in home and other page
    and Ja-wall in other voice menu like here

    Thanks for suggestion and help.

    paoloci Friend

    an update..
    when I disable the sef in “Search Engine Friendly URLs” in seo settings
    the ja-wall in that two voices
    “Rassegna stampa view” in sub menu
    run perfeclty

    Where I must fix?
    What I must do to have the same effect in
    shape5 in home and other page
    and Ja-wall in other voice menu like here

    Thanks for suggestion and help.

    paoloci Friend

    another update
    I find an hack
    Inside root/includes/application.php

    put: $this->route();

    // Get the id of the active menu item
    $menu = $this->getMenu();
    $item = $menu->getActive();
    if (!$item) {


    $item = $menu->getItem(JRequest::getInt(‘Itemid’));

    but in this way I must disable sh404sef. For my SEO is not a good thing.
    Have you any other suggest?

    paoloci Friend

    The plugin imagesizer gives problem. Disable and use another similar plug all is run perfectly.

    Thanks for attention.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  paoloci 10 years, 8 months ago.

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