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  • cnaughton Friend

    Can someone tell me exactly what a sticky item is for ja wall. Does it keep the item at the top of the wall? If I make the k2 item sticky what does that mean?

    arucardx Friend

    If I remember correctly, it does nothing as it just apply a css style. So all it does is add a pin icon & some color style to make it look like a notepad.

    ktbgreat2 Friend

    Is there any way that we can make an article actually sticky? Making it always stay on the top?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,
    <blockquote>If I remember correctly, it does nothing as it just apply a css style. So all it does is add a pin icon & some color style to make it look like a notepad. </blockquote>
    No, it isn’t.

    The HOT item will be automatically styled when hits for this item pass over the limitation set in template manager in backend: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/731/4277266481.png

    In order to make it stay on the top, please go to Menus > Top menus > Home menu item and set Article order by Most Hits: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/731/0970592244.png

    Hope this makes senses.

    arucardx Friend

    ? Sry Saguaros but I don’t understand what you are referring to.

    The post you quote and the topic in question is about the extra class style “Item-Sticky”. We are not talking about item-hot.

    Wall Crasher Developer


    JA Wall does not support sticky item by default.

    JA Wall used jQuery masonry plugin which had corner-stamp feature which might be of what you need.

    But this feature requires some modification in the plugin.
    <blockquote>’The corner stamp feature is available as a modification of Masonry'</blockquote>

    Here is what you can do to bring this feature into JA Wall. BACKUP your site first and try the following on your own risk

    First, open templatesja_walljswall.js and paste this block code to the beginning (inside) of jQuery(function($){ .. }) fuction (should be around at line 20 in original file)

    // Masonry corner stamp modifications
    $.Mason.prototype.resize = function() {

    $.Mason.prototype._reLayout = function( callback ) {
    var freeCols = this.cols;
    if ( this.options.cornerStampSelector ) {
    var $cornerStamp = this.element.find( this.options.cornerStampSelector ),
    cornerStampX = $cornerStamp.offset().left -
    ( this.element.offset().left + this.offset.x + parseInt($cornerStamp.css('marginLeft')) );
    freeCols = Math.floor( cornerStampX / this.columnWidth );

    // reset columns
    var i = this.cols;
    this.colYs = [];
    while (i--) {
    this.colYs.push( this.offset.y );

    for ( i = freeCols; i < this.cols; i++ ) {
    this.colYs = this.offset.y + $cornerStamp.outerHeight(true);

    // apply layout logic to all bricks
    this.layout( this.$bricks, callback );

    In the same file, add this block code

    $container.find('.corner-stamp').removeClass('item col');

    just before

    itemSelector: itemSelector, ...,

    around at line 80 (in original file).

    $newElems.filter('.corner-stamp').removeClass('item col');
    just before

    $(document.body).removeClass ('masonry-relayout');
    }, 300);

    around line 155.

    and modify

    itemSelector: itemSelector,
    isResizable: false,
    columnWidth: function() {
    return $container.data ('basewidth')? $container.data ('basewidth') : $('#base-blank-item').width()


    itemSelector: itemSelector,
    cornerStampSelector: '.corner-stamp',
    isResizable: false,
    columnWidth: function() {
    return $container.data ('basewidth')? $container.data ('basewidth') : $('#base-blank-item').width()

    The last step, please add this small block code to the end of templatesja_wallcsstemplate.css

    .masonry .corner-stamp {
    float: 'right'

    You apply any other style for the corner-stamp item here.

    Save all and clear cache.
    Now, you can use extended class and put ‘corner-stamp’ to the desired article.

    Hope it helps.


    Honzazi Friend

    this sounds interesting.
    Just a question, does the corner stamp populate everytime again when user goes down and more articles appears?
    Also, there is similar idea to this one here: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/advertising-block-inside-the-wall/
    however, the problem is that the google advert showed only once – would this work in the same way?
    Please check and help us with http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/advertising-block-inside-the-wall/
    Thank you!

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi Honzazi,

    As we make it as module position, corner-stamp will not populate again when user goes down.
    The best place for this position is top right or top left of the grid.

    Please check latest update on http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/advertising-block-inside-the-wall/


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Wall Crasher 12 years ago.

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