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  • ingolfur Friend

    JA Zeolite is not working in front end ( shop admin ) – appears to be no template in place –
    I did not not install quick start as I have a site up and running – virtumart front end admin does seem to work with the basic template that comes with joomla – but with this template one cannot assign a template to a menu item which would have been a solution and I do not mind having the front end store admin have a simple template – but now it looks terrible as there is no template. If the answer is to install the quick start – then would I be able to extract the quick start into the root folder?
    What about the data base –

    nefar Friend

    If your site is already live and loaded with data I would go back to your original template for the time being. Then I would create a subfolder and install joomla quickstart there. ie.. http://www.yoursite.com/zeolite/

    I would work on http://www.yoursite.com/zeolite/ moving data over from your original and tweaking the layout as necessary. Once you have it working the way you want and have all your data moved over from your orignal site. I would use joomlapac component to backup your “new” site and then blow out the old one and replace it with the new.

    As for databases it really depends on what type of data you want to move over. If it’s products from virtuemart I believe you do not have to actually do the database you can use CVS export for that.
    For moving say articles etc over if you have a lot I’m not completly sure. You could do a database drop from cpanel/mysql/phpmyadmin but as to the exact steps to import this data successfully on the new site I am not sure. I would say there is probably a component or walk through for this however on joomla.org or one of the guys here I’m sure would know the answer might even be something in the joomlart tutorial section as well.

    ingolfur Friend

    in another words – one cannot get the template to work properly with virtumart unless it is installed as a quick start?
    I am running joomla 1.5.8 – could I not overrite with the quickstart ( no change to database ) – as I am assuming that the quickstart is 1.5.8 –

    the template works fine as a front end – it is just the front end admin ( store admin ) that is like it does not even see the template.

    please advice

    nefar Friend

    Well I would assume you should be able to get the template to work without using the quick start. I was just pointing out another option if you were unable to do so. If everything works but front end editing I would just edit from the back for now and send in a support ticket.

    bonevier Friend


    are you using an old template in Virtuemart itself, or is it just using default?

    I know that if you for instance installed Virtuemarts eCommerce Bundle (which is shipped with Joomla), there’s a specific template installed for that Joomlart template (I think it’s JA Larix).

    Check under Virtuemart settings to make sure that there’s no other template chosen than default. Why?

    ‘Cause I can edit from front end, and I think that’s what might be causing your troubles. And I didn’t install the quick start either…

    ingolfur Friend

    I am using the new JA Zeolite and latest Joomla – the front end store admin works under the default template –

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ingolfur 16 years ago.

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