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  • jmccann Friend


    Ive installed JA Drimia and wanted to change menu options, remove some tools and set up default colour schemes. I was following instructions on forum. Instruction states ..

    To choose your menu type, go to the 39nd line in the “ja_drimia/ja_vars.php” and change $ja_menutype to what you need.
    1 is Split Menu, 2 is Suckerfish Menu, 3 is Moo Menu”

    Howver I have no reference of any variables in “ja_drimia/ja_vars.php”

    I attach copy of ja_vars.php as /ja_vars.txt

    How can I change my defaults?

    1. ja_vars-.txt
    Menalto Friend

    You are using joomla 1.5 and there you have all the parameters in the admin panel.
    Go to Extensions>TEmplate manager, check the template and press edit. There you have the paramters you want.

    Sherlock Friend

    Do you have any successful ?

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 16 years, 6 months ago.

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