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  • don_juan667766 Friend

    Everything was find until I upgraded to J1.5.10. Now I the accordion on ja_moo (frontpage) does not work.

    Please help as client is getting extremely anxious.


    Phill Moderator

    In the short term switch to ccs menus in the backend just to get you out of trouble.

    Have you a link to your site?

    don_juan667766 Friend

    Sorry I meant the News_moo on the right side not the menu. The accordion does not appear. Please see http://www.growthasset.ca (Services tab)

    Phill Moderator

    Oh yes, you also have the loder version of the template with no IE8 compatability.

    Try uploading the latest version of the template which has been tested with J1.5.10. I’ve just installed it to my desktop and everything seems fine.

    don_juan667766 Friend

    Dam! I just noticed that. How can I do that without rebuilding the entire site again?


    Phill Moderator

    Just upload the template and not the quickstart. You will need to uninstall the old template first so make note of any modification you mat have made to the css etc of that.

    I would do a backup first just in case but you should be fine.

    don_juan667766 Friend

    Do you know what folder permissions I have to change to uninstall/install the template without getting errors? I’m using C-Panel.


    Phill Moderator

    It depends on what errors you are getting but it should just be the templates folder and possibly tmp. You’ll need to change them to something writable by the script. Possibly 777 for a short while until you have finished working.

    don_juan667766 Friend

    I broght the site to my local wamp and changed uninstall the old template and install the new one and it didn’t work. I also uninstall the module and installed the one in the new package and it didn’t work either. There’s seems to be a problem with the coding in mod_janewsmoo.php that does not it to be displayed.

    Please help as I’s stressing out.

    don_juan667766 Friend

    It’s working now but I need to remove the titles? They unlink through the backend but can’t get them to go away.

    see http://www.growthasset.ca


    Luiz FernandoMolina Friend

    I tried to take a look at http://www.growthasset.ca and my system acused the presence of a virus there… 🙁

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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