Hi, I’ve just installed Ja_teline, created sections and categories and published some news.
I have a problem. The whole template is simply amazing, but I really can’t find a solution to this issue: I need to display all the news in inverse chronological order! Currently the headlines are displayed that way, but the other news (the unpublished-in-home-page ones, that Ja_News displays under the headline module) are displayed by category order.
I know that I can choose the category order using the category IDs into Ja_News module, but I need each newly-published article to be displayed at the top of the page, right under the headline module.
I suspect I have to modify the code into mod_janews.php : i tried to replace some “ordering” with “created”, but the result was the Headline module disappearing -__-”
the site is: http://www.badtaste.it
can anyone help me? It is very important for me to have this problem solved… Thankyou very much!