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  • markkusq3po Friend


    sorry for reposting, but i didn’t get an answer. First, i like the ja_news2 extension very much, but it absolut illogic. Normaly you don’t have nested categories in a newspaper rubric. If you have e.g the heading “Social”, and if you’re not a global player, you don’t have nested categories like Europe, Africa or anything else.
    I tried to make it with some logic within section and category breakup, but that didn’t work.

    So my question is, is it possible to show in ja_news2 only one category, but more articles in a row? Because only one column looks odd.

    When it’s possible, how?
    Or isn’t it?

    Thanks Markus

    Saguaros Moderator

    HEllo guy!

    Here is the solution to resolve this issue.

    Please access the setting of the ja new2:
    1) you set the value equal 3 for the “Intro Items” parameter and set the value 1 for the “Columns” parameter.
    2) You add this css rule into the template.css file:


    Good luck

    Saguaros Moderator

    HEllo guy!

    Here is the solution to resolve this issue.

    Please access the setting of the ja new2:
    1) you set the value equal 3 for the “Intro Items” parameter and set the value 1 for the “Columns” parameter.
    2) You add this css rule into the template.css file:


    Good luck

    markkusq3po Friend

    thanks for the hint, but it has also impacts to the ja_news_fp layout.

    I tried with the module class suffix and with some variations inside style.css from news2 and ja-news, but it don’t work. I guess i’m not so fit in cascading 😉

    Do you still have a hint how i can separate the effects?

    Thanx Markus

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello guy!

    Now,1) Open the file modulesmod_janews2tmplblog.php and find codes at line 39:
    [PHP]<div id=”ja-zin” class=”ja-movable-container clearfix”>[/PHP]
    [PHP]<div id=”ja-zin” class=”ja-movable-container clearfix <?php echo $params->get(‘moduleclass_sfx’);?>”>[/PHP]
    2) Access the configuration of the ja news and put the ” align_left” ( has a blank before ) text into the Module Class Suffix parameter.
    3) Add these css rules into the temlate.css file:

    .align_left .ja-zinlinks {
    .align_left .ja-zincontent {

    Good luck

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello guy!

    Now,1) Open the file modulesmod_janews2tmplblog.php and find codes at line 39:
    [PHP]<div id=”ja-zin” class=”ja-movable-container clearfix”>[/PHP]
    [PHP]<div id=”ja-zin” class=”ja-movable-container clearfix <?php echo $params->get(‘moduleclass_sfx’);?>”>[/PHP]
    2) Access the configuration of the ja news and put the ” align_left” ( has a blank before ) text into the Module Class Suffix parameter.
    3) Add these css rules into the temlate.css file:

    .align_left .ja-zinlinks {
    .align_left .ja-zincontent {

    Good luck

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 14 years, 11 months ago.

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