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  • Robert Stevens Friend

    Hi Guys,

    I just installed “JA Erica” using the quickstart method.

    When I view the site via my temp. URL :

    The following error gets displayed:

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/webagenc/public_html/modules/mod_janewslight/ja_newslight/helper.php on line 106

    I don’t have any other permission problems (e.g. saving the global configuration, template configuration etc. )

    System Info:

    Apache version 2.0.63
    PHP version 5.2.5
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community
    Operating system Linux
    Joomla Version: 1.5.10

    Any suggestions?

    Tx !

    Phill Moderator

    Is your server running in safemode? You can check by looking in php configurstion from the joomla help menu.

    One of the things safe mode does is prevent the creation of directories. The script is trying to make one but something on your server is preventing it. Try installing a component or plugin and see if you get the same error.

    If safemode is on then you need to enable the ftp layer as that gets around this very silly safe mode. From PHP6 safe mode will be removed as it was a pointless excercise.

    Robert Stevens Friend

    Hi phill,

    Nope, safemode is off:

    Safe Mode: Off
    Open basedir: None
    Display Errors: On
    Short Open Tags: On
    File Uploads: On
    Magic Quotes: On
    Register Globals: Off
    Output Buffering: Off
    Session Save Path: /tmp
    Session Auto Start: 0
    XML Enabled: Yes
    Zlib Enabled: Yes
    Disabled Functions: None
    Mbstring Enabled: No
    Iconv Available: Yes
    WYSIWYG Editor: Editor – No Editor

    I tried installing a component and it also through errors when it tried creating directories.

    I am currently using the FTP Layer…

    Anything else I should have a look at?

    Tx. 🙂


    I had a look at the directory permissions under the system info and it says everything is unwritable.

    My folders are set to 755 and files to 644. When I set a folder to 777 it picks it up as writable. There is no way I’m going to make them 777….. any suggestions?

    I think it might be giving problems since its running of this temp. URL and not the actual domain.

    UPDATE #2 – lol

    I just checked with another domain which is working etc. When I use the temp URL, the permissions fails…but when I run it off the actual domain it works.

    So problem solved.

    Phill Moderator

    Must be an ownership or permissions problem then.

    First, try without the ftp layer enabled.

    If you have root acces then change your folders ownership to something that the script can write to (such as www-data in my case but will be different on your system, look up the chown command).

    Or you could set the permissions of the images folder recursively to 777 but that is something I never like doing for security reasons. If it works the directory should have been created and you could set it back.

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