Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
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  • mahu76 Friend

    good morning pankajsharma,

    new day new luck i hope!!

    Yesterday i delete all how you told me and make all new with joomla 3.0
    But it also didnt work. :-(((

    Please find 3 screenshots
    One from the sample data i have installed
    Then one after joomla installation there is no navigation only the home button.
    And one after upload and install the nuevo quickstart zip. A lot of error messages.
    Now i have no idea what i can do!!
    where is the error?

    @pascm: where can i find in joomla backend the information?

    Thx marco

    1. IMG-20141015-WA0014
    2. IMG-20141015-WA0016
    3. IMG-20141015-WA0018
    mahu76 Friend

    @ pascm

    the Server use PHP Version 5.3.17

    and i use this Version of joomla 3.0.3
    download for here

    because nuevo didnet work with joomla 3.3.3 and 3.3.6

    best regards marco

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @mahu76: I’m not sure how did you install ja_nuevo template in J 3.3.3? You can try to download quickstart package here and install it with sample data, you will get the site same as our demo

    mahu76 Friend

    hi ninja,

    my hero ! 🙂

    nice to hear from you!!

    the day befor yesterday i use joomla 3.3.3 but it dinnt work and pankajsharma wrote me yesterday that nuevo didnt work with nuevo.

    so i delete all an install joomla version 3.0

    and this quickstart from the official homepage

    but there are a lot of errors

    best regards marco

    Manos Moderator


    With your PHP version you shouldn’t have problems install the JA Nuevo Quick Start package as you ‘ve been suggested by @ninja

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @mahu76: Can you pm me the info below?

    Your Site URL:

    FTP Username:
    FTP Password:
    Database Name:
    Database Username:
    Database Password:

    cPanel/Host Manager login URL
    cPanel Username:
    cPanel Password:
    Folder to install:

    I will help you to check it further

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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