I love this template and thank you for creating it as part of the Joomla 1.5 Template Contest. I’ve run into a bit of an issue and need to get this fixed asap.
The top menu closes to fast when someone using IE6 is viewing it. It appears to work fine in Firefox and IE7, however there are numerous IE6 users and I’ve been handed the task of fixing this issue. I’ve searched various forums for a solution to this, however, I’ve only found other users with the same issue and no fix.
If this is an IE6 issue that can not be fixed, then is there a external menu that can be used instead? swMenuFree or Trans? I’ve attempted to test this by selecting “Use External” from the template settings, but it appears the top menu is not using the “top” placement in Joomla.
I’ve not made any modifications to the .js files for JaMenu or Suckerfish. We’re using Joomla 1.5 RC3 with a nightly build update from the 10th of this month and the latest JA_Purity version. If you need more info, please let me know. Thank you in advance.