As many others I need help with a few issues with the template in a joomla 1.5 environment.
Haven’t been able to find any answers directed directly to these problems allthou I know many have exactly the same problems, so perhaps this threat could discuss the most usual 1.5 problems.
How does one place the “login” module in the “ja-hpanel” section? I assume the login module/css needs some editing for it to be horizontal. Could the code used in the demo be published somehow?
Breadcrumbs doesn’t work. It shows a static “home” and nothing more. Any way of fixing this?
When installed on a fresh joomla 1.5 copy, the template folder on the ftp is named “jaquillaja” rather than “ja_quillaja”. Renaming the folder directly on the ftp fixes the problems.
Currently working on:
I’ll update this thread as I encounter new problems/solutions.