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  • Mohamed Moutia Friend

    Hi every body.

    I have used ja_sadine II template for my new web site:

    I’ll be so happy if I receive your feed back and notes regarding it.

    sunrise Friend

    Hi moutia,

    Good site, and 4 languages! That takes work!

    I feel that maybe a few more pictures on the home page would be good for a site like this.

    I noticed that the module Forum Latest Posts is empty. Also the last line of the module under, Tag Clouds, only shows the top half.

    Good luch with the site.

    Mohamed Moutia Friend

    I appreciate your comment.

    As you know, it is little bit difficult for me to configure and translate every part of the site at once but I’m trying to tuning it from time to time.

    questbg Friend

    Hi moutia

    Really nice site, well done!

    My only small comment would be that you haven’t got round to translating ‘Gallery Stats’ panel into French!

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Personally, as a customer and from the customer view I’d like to see rather this type of background on the site like shown below, than the dark pattern or also some more fresh background pattern in light colors.

    You could also move the site to align left and have a simple white background like most the commercial sites. For this you have to look for #ja_wrapper in the template.css and change or add

    #ja-wrapper {
    margin: 0 auto 0 0; /* 0 auto */
    text-align: left;
    background: #FFFFFF;

    To make the background white you have to set #ffffff in body_bd or leave it blank I guess.

    – And you should change the module title on the right from “Gallery Images” to some better title like “Insight Tunisia”.

    – The title of articles like “Welcome to Tunisia Tour” I would change color wise to the same color like the red of the Logo Text. One other option would be not to display the title and to show a nicely animated banner with white background and the slogan “Welcome to Tunisia Tour” with a nice script or custom font etc. and a fancy jeep jumping over the dunes of the Sahara…;) A better one than the one I quickly made with a screenshot of your site and some Photoshop work, to show you what I mean…

    – Maybe I would also look how the site looks when you change all the dark yellow parts of the site design to the same red, I think this will look even a lot better than.

    – Plus that, I would make the grey parts of the site a bit lighter or even white.

    Just some tips!;)

    cjmicro Friend

    I agree, nice site!!

    I think I would prefer a white background too, rather than the grey with white “boxes”, but it doesn’t make me want to leave the site or anything, and it does look different than the normal..

    Good luck with it!


    Mohamed Moutia Friend

    Thanks a lot wooohanetworks for your valuable tips and for your time, it was very kind from your side.

    I followed your comments and applied them.

    concerning aligning the site left this will affect the Arabic language which is RTL language.

    For the page title I changed the color to red but not added an image for SEO purposes (I need H1 tag for the title) but I’ll think about an attractive logo in the frontage article. (The Jeep 😀 )

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Okay, that is right, the arabic language and also some others are right to left, but I think the site willl also look good when centered. And as you mention, it would be kind of strange when all languages on our planet would be left to right….alone when you think about Yin and Yang and balance, what would be when all would turn left and nothing turns right, like with the magnetic fields of the earth, some go left, some turn right….that makes the world turn or comes from the world turning around, like one wants to see it.:)

    jimmer Friend

    Great looking site, I enjoyed viewing the photo gallery…that part of the world looks beautiful.

    Maybe I will visit it someday….:)

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@jimmer 108850 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Maybe I will visit it someday….:)</blockquote>

    Than you gotta take one of the Jeep Rides or Jeep Safaris through the countryside or desert, those jeeps are “specially equipped” to even fit the least experienced drivers, their steering system is set to oversee even the worst fault one can make…Other people would say, the steering is broke, but it ain’t, it is for not letting you ride down the cliffs when you drive on the sandy curvy dust roads high and low…it is a great country, usally very hot and dry, very hot and dry, not everyone’s taste but great at all.:cool:

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@moutia 108617 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks a lot wooohanetworks for your valuable tips and for your time, it was very kind from your side.

    I followed your comments and applied them.

    concerning aligning the site left this will affect the Arabic language which is RTL language.

    For the page title I changed the color to red but not added an image for SEO purposes (I need H1 tag for the title) but I’ll think about an attractive logo in the frontage article. (The Jeep 😀 )</blockquote> I see you already have visitors, and I really like the background pattern, looks more alive…I just had the thought, how your site would look when you make a reload with JA Quartz and the autumn theme…this would be something different and it will look awsome, it is already a touch of arabia which some of the fashion styles, take a thought about it, maybe this would be the v2x of your site.:cool:

    Mohamed Moutia Friend

    <em>@jimmer 108850 wrote:</em><blockquote>Great looking site, I enjoyed viewing the photo gallery…that part of the world looks beautiful.

    Maybe I will visit it someday….:)</blockquote>

    I’m glad to hear you are interested to visit Tunisia 🙂 Jimmer. If you plan one day to go there I advise you to go in the summer you will really enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean seas

    <em>@wooohanetworks 108867 wrote:</em><blockquote>I just had the thought, how your site would look when you make a reload with JA Quartz and the autumn theme…</blockquote>

    Hi wooohanetworks, I think I’ll stick for a while with Ja_Sadine because it is not good to change the template so often. I’ll concentrate now on the content of my site. And also because I’m working on two other sites and I should share the effort

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Mohamed Moutia 15 years, 8 months ago.

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