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  • dljoseph Friend

    Error message appears just above ja_tabs after installation of the JA Nickel template:
    <blockquote>Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in C:…modulesmod_jatabshelper.php on line 129</blockquote>
    screenshot attached.

    1. ja-nickel-error-4
    dljoseph Friend

    Hi, many thanks for your response. The measure you have suggested is important – especially in a Live Production environment, but since it is only my development machine, I like to have display_errors switched on. Even if these errors can be prevented from being displayed, the mere fact that I have encountered them in my development environment highlights the fact that there is a problem with the ja_tabs plugin which needs to be addressed.

    PHP is constantly evolving and becoming more mature and finicky. The proper solution to this problem would be for Joomlart to modify the first parameter of the onPrepareContent function declaration in the ja_tabs plugin so that the first parameter uses the address of the $row variable passed to it, rather than calling the onPrepareContent function at runtime with address of the $row variable (passing the parameter by reference at call-time). This solution will be backwards compatible with older versions of PHP and yet will satisfy the more stringent requirements as PHP matures going forward. I can make the change on my local copy, but it would be more beneficial for the community if Joomlart would make the change to the ja_tabs plugin since it is used in many templates.

    dljoseph Friend

    Hi Problem Solved.

    change line 129 from

    $plg->onPrepareContent(&$row, $pparams, 0);

    $plg->onPrepareContent($row, $pparams, 0);
    everywhere else throughout the code, the function onPrepareContent is always called this way.
    I checked the function declaration and it is correctly written (on line 46 of pluins/content/ja_tabs.php) as

    function onPrepareContent( &$article, &$params, $limitstart )

    Thanks for your responses.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  dljoseph 15 years, 9 months ago.

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