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  • davidsg3 Friend


    I tried to upgrade ja_tiris to joomla 2.5 and it doesn’t work.

    When I did, 3 error messages appears on my screem.

    This appears on administrator:
    Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to access /usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/libraries/cms.php in /usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/administrator/includes/framework.php on line 41

    Warning: require_once(/usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/libraries/cms.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/administrator/includes/framework.php on line 41

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/libraries/cms.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/administrator/includes/framework.php on line 41

    and this appears on my website:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method JDate::toSql() in /usr/home/rc-storm.com/web/components/com_content/models/articles.php on line 398

    I need some help because I just followed a tutorial from this forum through admin screen.

    Please help!

    (I have a backup taken before).


    davidsg3 Friend

    Please need some help. I can’t make anything:

    I can restore but I want to upgrade and I don’t know what happened.

    Please help!

    swissa Friend

    I don’t work here, I’m just a customer like you so anything I suggest is going to be unsanctioned and at your own risk.

    If I were in your position, I would copy the restore file to my desktop so that I keep a copy, do the restore and then immediately take another backup.

    I would then check all my permissions and check if all directories are writable. System Information / Directory Permissions.

    Once they are all ok you can start again and go through it methodically. Which tutorial did you use?

    davidsg3 Friend

    Hello Swissa.

    The backup I made using the method proposed to a partner in a forum thread. The updates proposed to do so through the joomla 1.7, which was simple and very easy to do.

    When I have done, I have experienced these errors.

    Think you can be a problem of folders and permissions?

    I would like any technical support member give some idea.

    Thank you!

    steinar Friend

    Did you try upgrading to Tiris 2.5.0 or 2.5.1?
    I had trouble with 2.5.0, but 2.5.1 solved all that. FWIW.

    davidsg3 Friend


    I try to update ja_tiris 1.7 to the last version of joomla.

    When I try to do that, this message appears before upgrading:
    !”upgrading:collection:can’t open http://update.joomlart.com/service/tracking/list.xml /update.xml”.

    Last time, I ommited the message and I tried to do that. The template was broken.

    Need some help to do that. I don’t want to charge ja_tiris 2.5 and upload the products manually.

    Please help!

    Phill Moderator

    Did you make sure you updated the JA Extension manager first?

    davidsg3 Friend

    I will try right now.

    I tell you back.


    davidsg3 Friend

    Hi Phill.

    I can’t upgrade. I’m involved in a trouble.

    When I go to the repository and try to upgrade newest versions of ja_extension manager, I see this messages:

    Errors occured during upgrading, please fix them fist
    Mysql path is not configed
    Mysql Dump path is not configed
    Local repository path is not configed

    I know I must fix this, but I don’t know how!

    Can you help me?


    davidsg3 Friend

    I founded this: look the picture

    1. Captura-de-pantalla-2012-02-29-a-las-22.49.23
    Phill Moderator

    Just go to that page and press the save button and that will fix that message.

    Next go to the services manages and edit the Joomlart Updater profile putting in the same username and password that you use to logon to these forums. You will then be able to update.

    davidsg3 Friend

    Finally no upgrade is possible in this template.

    I’m goona to do it manually. It will be easier. A lot of messages are shown in my screen and it wull be long….

    This template can’t be upgraded with this method. Shure!

    Phill Moderator

    I am happy to logon to your admin and check it for you. Would you like me to do that or do you prefer to do it manually?

    davidsg3 Friend

    Ok Phill.
    Let me copy my site in a different location (30 minutes remaining) and I let you to try to do this. We can test it and if it works, I will backup and reinstall it in the final location.

    I’m becoming crazy because nothing that I’m trying its working right now.

    Thanks for your help.

    davidsg3 Friend

    Hi Phill.

    The site is running right now.

    I will send you a PV with logon credentials.

    Need to upgrade ja_tiris 1.7 to 2.5.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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