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  • ddrinkal Friend


    I realise this isn;t a native JA_ERICA question but I was wondering if you smart people might suggest why the vmproductslide module (from JA_Larix) works fine in FF but doesn’t auto slide in IE. The arrows won;t make it start sliding either …

    Any brilliant person guess why?


    ddrinkal Friend

    I am trying to use it in JA_ERICA lest you think I have completely gone mad 🙂

    Menalto Friend

    I would say its a 50% change for a conflict with some scripts…… Maybe……

    ddrinkal Friend

    so is it likely that a conflict would allow it to work in FF but not IE?

    ddrinkal Friend

    Well I have a work around. If I disable “Use AJAX” in the module settings it works on FF,OPERA and IE

    Maybe that will help someone else too sometime 🙂

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ddrinkal 17 years, 1 month ago.

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