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  • buccini07 Friend

    Hello, I have a problem using these 2 modules together. When switching between languages with the joomfish component, the headline rotator of ja-news is showing the translated content only one time for the first content and then for the rest of the contents and even when it start again from the first content, it shows the non-translated version until i switch languages again… is there a way to integrate these 2 modules together as I need to have a bilingual site ? all the contents on my site are in 2 languages version and I’d like to have the janews rotator showing the right version depending on the language selected in joomfish.

    avinette Friend

    I have the same problem, looking for a solution. I think the JA News module does not check for current language and add this parameter in the url that is generated to switch content.

    Not sure where to start on this one!

    buccini07 Friend

    has anyone solved this issue ??

    Hung Dinh Friend

    JoomlArt development team have just updated the JA News for Teline module to work with Joomfish and mambots. Version of the update is 1.1.2. So you can go to Teline download section to get this version of JA-News. Hope it is useful to you.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Well done HD!!! Glad to see updates and changes implemented everyday. 🙂

    inspigr Friend

    If you use VirtueMart look at my thread:
    How to make VirtueMart multilanguage



    ShannonN Friend

    If you use VirtueMart look at my thread:
    How to make VirtueMart multilanguage



    we will get your Virtuemart solution stickied but this thread is about JA news Nick

    inspigr Friend

    Sorry ShannoN,

    But after 2 days (nights) sleepless, i am just happy for the solution and i would like to share it with everyone!

    Thank you for replying in my thread:)

    buccini07 Friend

    Thanks for the updated version, it now seems to work well with joomfish but apparently another issue is coming out:
    the hmtl formatting code is appearing along the news displayed in the rotator, have a look at my website http://www.tecnate.com so that you can understand better what i mean.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    It seems that your server does not support iconv. I’ve just update the module and hope it will fix the problem on your site.

    buccini07 Friend

    Thanks for the updated version, everything is fine now; I can switch between languages through the joomfish module and the ja-news module is displaying news in the correct language and without any html code… I didnt know about the iconv problem.
    Thanks again

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  buccini07 17 years, 8 months ago.

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