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  • arba Friend

    I really dont know how to explain JANews problem except that she have life of her own 😀 , totally weird behaviour. When I click on JAnews newsflash item link I get sometimes 404 error, sometimes I get to content but only after I first get 404 error. I try to make janews article unlinkable but that do not work, even in janews configuration : titlle linkable are set to NO , titlle are still linkable. Even in article parameters titlle are set to non linkable but that does not work. Ironically only first item (newsflash 1 ) are not linkable. Is very hard to explain bug/problem (even in my native language) because basically nothing work or have control in administration what is conected with JANews module/componet, she do what she wont :p

    I do not even wont from her to work (I do not think that is actually posiblle) I just wont to have item showed in janews not linkable so my visitors will not get to blank 404 error page wneh they click on janews item. I sincerely hate when I have errors that kind on my site what made my site highly unprofesional and amateur looking.
    Anyone can help to just made janews item unlinkable .
    Here is link to my site in construction : http://www.akvariji.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1

    arba Friend

    And that is weird, after I spent 45 minutes trying to made janews titlle unlinkable , I give up and open this thread , and guess what ? Now everything work , tille are unlinkable 🙂 . That JANews must have realationship with Hall from SpaceOdisey 😀
    I do not even wont to try to made her working properly :p

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  arba 17 years ago.

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