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  • danaos Friend

    I installed JA Fagus.
    JANewsFlash won’t roll.
    Its a complete new, fresh installtion, no previous JanewsFlash used.
    Anybody can help for a solution?

    fordy1 Friend

    Sometimes this can be down to contention with another 3rd party module being displayed on the same page but I’m no expert. Do you have any other modules on the same page? If the module itself has been published with the relevant scrolling settings in the backend and it’s a clean install of the template with no errors I’d probably experiment by removing any other modules on the page one at at a time, maybe clearing your cache and refreshing the page to see if it starts to work. A link to your site would be useful.

    jonathanretting Friend

    Provide a link please. Probably incompatibility between javascript files. A link should suffice in figuring out what the conflict is. Usually you just have to seek a different alternative for one or the other. However there is always the possibility you are already loading that script with something else, maybe different version, but if they are conflicting…Cross your fingers and hopefully you can just edit out the javascript insertion part of the module or mambot. Someone even components load javascript files. With firebug you can find out whats scripts are being loaded, it will show you its directory, thats usually enought to identify the joomla addin. Enabling and disabling the addids accordingly. Usually you don’t load components into the homepage, so probably not a component.

    bramewave Friend

    I have the same problem and my url is http://www.bramewavestudios.com

    Thanks All!:D

    fordy1 Friend

    Bramewave, What settings have you got set in the module parameters in the back end and do you have more than 1 content item published in the category you have selected to populate the module?

    bramewave Friend

    Here are my settings, I also am having trouble will hiding the title names for my news items. Any clues?

    Module Class Suffix: left blank

    Category – Headlines/Headlines

    Rolling delay time: 7

    Animation time : 1000

    Linked Titles: Use Global

    Style class: Scroll Up

    Height of div : 120

    Templates: <div style=”overflow:hidden; height:323px;” ><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    Thanks all!

    mfcphil Friend

    Hello Bramewave

    you did not paste this into the TEMPLATES:

    <div style=”overflow:hidden; height:323px;” ><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    You will notice the “>##TITLE##</ is not there….so your title will not be shown 😉

    So simply delete <div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div>

    bramewave Friend

    Thanks mfcphil that worked perfect! I still can’t get it to scroll I think because I have it going to headline instead of newsflashes. Does that make sense?

    mfcphil Friend

    Brame I sent you to the wrong address sorry I knew about this problem because I had it.

    Read this earlier post :p

    It was kashxo who fixed it not the one I told you to pm :-[ sorry anyway hope this helps

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mfcphil 17 years ago.

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