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  • Peter Matra Friend

    Hi guys

    I have a question- I am using JaSlideshow and have starting making banners for it. The original images supplied with the template are the exact dimensions of the ones I am making yet my image will not load successfully, and it seems as if it zoomed like 200%.

    What is happening?? Does I have to have some special JPG compression or something?


    sunrise Friend

    It is difficult to say with the information you gave. Size in pictures can be many things. They have to be the same size in pixels as well as dpi. If you take the original pictures, open in photoshop, copy over the banners you have and save as jpg again, it should work. Otherwise, could you attach a copy here and it would be waier to see what the problem might be.

    Peter Matra Friend

    This is just strange! I did what you said and the same thing. I am not a dummy when it comes to this stuff.
    ALL DPI is 72, same dimensions save as JPG both file type and export for web/device.

    JaSlideshow is doing something strange. Is there a special compression profile type I need to apply to my JPG?

    sunrise Friend

    Hi Petermantra,

    It does sound a bit strange. Do you maybe have a url that we could look at to see what the problem might be. Sometimes it helps to have a few people get a look.

    Peter Matra Friend

    Hey Sunrise! Good to see you here again. Ok – I will put the site up remote in a little bit, I am trying to work between a laptop and this.

    Peter Matra Friend

    Hey Sunrise! Good to see you here again. Ok – I will put the site up remote in a little bit, I am trying to work between a laptop and this.

    jattin480 Friend

    Symptom: The slide placeholder shows big but the image inside is about 550px wide.

    This is actually NOT A BUG. I just installed the template and ran into the same situation. It turns that this modules’s settings defauls the slideshow size to a smaller dimension

    To fix it, simply edit this under modules –> mod_jaslideshow –> Parameters

    Slide Width 890
    Slide Height 340

    Many settings are off by default(like showing the thumbnail.

    Also you may want to see the instructions for setting image descriptions as shown in the demo.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jattin480 15 years, 11 months ago.

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