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  • snarzom Friend

    Help required, i have installed on my local machine and all is working fine with the ja_sanidinelli_light template except for the JA_slide show. I have been through the forums backwards and forwards no luck 🙁
    The position i have it set to is topsl1 is this correct?

    jsliao Friend

    yes the position you have indicated is correct.

    could you be more specific in how it is ‘not working’?

    billbly Friend

    <em>@snarzom 112449 wrote:</em><blockquote>Help required, i have installed on my local machine and all is working fine with the ja_sanidinelli_light template except for the JA_slide show. I have been through the forums backwards and forwards no luck 🙁
    The position i have it set to is topsl1 is this correct?</blockquote>
    Have you found a solution for your slide show? I am trying to set up JA Olivine on http://www.wskf.us and it is not working for me either. From the backend in the template manager using the preview icon it appears in the position and is set to topsl1 like you have but it does not show on the home page. I have used before with Teline II but it has been a while and any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance – Bill Bly

    snarzom Friend

    No sorry i have not had any luck with this working, I to have had this working on other sites but for some reason it does not seem to work. i have the images stored in the folder “images/stories/slideshow/” i have tried this with and without back slash, still doesnt work.

    i must be missing something..ahhh:confused:

    snarzom Friend

    there is no images at all in the topsl1, it is as though there is no images there, which there isnt.

    jsliao Friend

    i can only try to help you if u are able to put up the live site and pass me the login details.

    i have used olivine and sanidine both without problems… if you guys need help pls pm me the admin login details

    billbly Friend

    <em>@snarzom 112459 wrote:</em><blockquote>No sorry i have not had any luck with this working, I to have had this working on other sites but for some reason it does not seem to work. i have the images stored in the folder “images/stories/slideshow/” i have tried this with and without back slash, still doesnt work.

    i must be missing something..ahhh:confused:</blockquote>
    In my case if I set it to other positions such as right or left or banner it works. Well I can see versions in the wrong places. I can see it in the backend preview backend view set to topsl1. I used the demo images and wanted to get this workwise before creating my artwork. I am not sure what is wrong as I had problems with this install and another template also with my FCK editor. I am using Joomla! 1.5.8. Somtimes there are too many curve balls. I’ll let you know if I get this working. I have it on http://www.americansamurai.com with 1.013. thanks for the reply – Bill

    billbly Friend

    <em>@jsliao 112461 wrote:</em><blockquote>i can only try to help you if u are able to put up the live site and pass me the login details.

    i have used olivine and sanidine both without problems… if you guys need help pls pm me the admin login details</blockquote>
    Hi There,

    Let me see if I understood correctly that you would be willing to look at the site I am having problems with the slide show? If so how can I send you the info. Thank you in advance – Bill Bly

    snarzom Friend

    Is this right?
    [PHP]<?php if( $this->countModules(‘topsl1’) && $this->countModules(‘topsl2’) ) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-topsl” class=”clearfix”>
    <div id=”ja-topsl1″>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”topsl1″ style=”raw” />
    <div id=”ja-topsl2″>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”topsl2″ style=”xhtml” />
    <?php } ?>[/PHP]
    This is out of the index.php page

    jsliao Friend

    yes pm me your
    live site url, admin login name, admin password.
    ftp address, ftp user name, ftp password
    PM please. do not post it in a public thread.

    i can take a look and try to figure out whats wrong but no promises on fixing it.

    snarzom Friend

    I have triedd it other modules and it works, i have also tried other slideshows “rokslideshow” this to does not work it the topsl1 module but does in other..

    Totally confused :confused:

    jsliao Friend

    <em>@snarzom 112464 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this right?
    [PHP]<?php if( $this->countModules(‘topsl1’) && $this->countModules(‘topsl2’) ) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-topsl” class=”clearfix”>
    <div id=”ja-topsl1″>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”topsl1″ style=”raw” />
    <div id=”ja-topsl2″>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”topsl2″ style=”xhtml” />
    <?php } ?>[/PHP]
    This is out of the index.php page</blockquote>

    looks the same as mine

    <?php if( $this->countModules('topsl1') && $this->countModules('topsl2') ) { ?>
    <div id="ja-topsl" class="clearfix">
    <div id="ja-topsl1">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="topsl1" style="raw" />
    <div id="ja-topsl2">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="topsl2" style="xhtml" />
    <!-- END: TOP SPOTLIGHT -->
    <?php } ?>

    jsliao Friend

    i have solved billy’s problem. not sure if it’ll help you snarzom

    u need to have something published at topsl2 for topsl1 to appear. its the way the template was designed. u need to make some php code changes to index.php if u want only topsl1 and not topsl2

    snarzom Friend

    have PMed you

    jsliao Friend

    both solved. cheers

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