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  • ronron6 Friend

    im using only one ticket because its one topic

    1. hi i cant get the demo look. please see what i am doing wrong. please see this link.

    2. also why wont the hikashop categories appear on the home page? i mean i want to display categories in the home page front end instead of articles marked as featured.

    3. Im also having a problem with the users. I checked phpmyadmin i have 2 sets of joomla dbase. its interfering with hikashop. please see attached.

    4. which is better k2 or joomla articles? is k2 responsive?


    1. Screenshot-convert
    2. screenshot-database
    Saguaros Moderator


    You can find answers for your concern as below:
    1) We provide the detailed guideline for how to configure each part / modules for Hikashop, please check out it here: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-jason-template/hikashop-configuration#install-hikashop

    Especially this part: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-jason-template/hikashop-configuration#hikashop-style

    2) In the homepage, the template provides some layouts which show featured articles content, you can see the same in our demo site. In case that you want to use Hikashop, you can select a menu item from Hikashop instead of menu item types for articles

    3) It’s sample data when you selected to install in Quickstart package, you can remove this users via backend of your site.

    4) Both are good, it depends on your needs and how you familiar with. Joomla content is default while K2 is a 3rd party component. There are plenty of comparison, you can make a small search. Then can select the one which suits your needs.


    ronron6 Friend


    i cant get it to work. i already followed the instructions you have give. BTW your interface is different from what i have. maybe due to the version.

    if you check the product page the layout isnt unified for all products. the first 3 items are the ones that inherit the custom css for ja jason.

    if you check the category menu. the categories appear but if you click it no items or product appear. i tried to change template and the itemes came out. so its definitly a template issue.

    what to do?

    ronron6 Friend
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    ronron6 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator


    You can provide the login info of your site i.e: URL, Admin & FTP account so I will have a look.

    ronron6 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    ronron6 Friend

    hi guys

    friendly bump

    Saguaros Moderator

    As I can see that your site is working fine now, could you details the issue you’re facing?

    ronron6 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you provide the admin account of your site? You sent the URL to access administrator site only.

    ronron6 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    Please add the page which uses Hikashop into this field: http://prntscr.com/d20fdp >> this allows to load extended style for Hikashop.

    ronron6 Friend

    hi already tried that but still nothing.

    please see the screenshot.

    i guess ja jason is not compatible with hikashop.

    i need a template that will work with hikshop, do you have any other?. if there is none i need to know because I have a deadline from a client

    thanks again

    1. not-working
    ronron6 Friend


    friendly bump on this.

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