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  • wicklert Friend

    Can’t use DOCman with JA_Social
    <blockquote>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JPagination in /var/www/vhosts/groenwit.nl/httpdocs/plugins/system/jat3/core/joomla/pagination.php on line 537</blockquote>

    Switched to template JA_PURITY and it’s working fine.
    What’s causing this?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi, kindly try to enable the Development Mode at the configuration panel of this template and check this again, thanks

    andre_sabino Friend


    Enable the Development Mode did not solve the problem for me.

    Any kind of tip to solve this?

    Best Regards,

    wicklert Friend

    Development Mode was (and is) enabled.
    So no change, sorry!!

    andre_sabino Friend


    So, wicklert: have you solved the problem, by another way? Or it is still happening?


    wicklert Friend

    Hi AMS,

    I’ve solved the problem by temporarily using component Jdownloads but this is far less user friendly (frontend).
    Hoping for a swift solution by Joomlart support.


    wicklert Friend

    <em>@tienhc 196791 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, kindly try to enable the Development Mode at the configuration panel of this template and check this again, thanks</blockquote>Still not working, installed new version plg_system_jat3.v1.1.8.

    What’s status? Can someone tell me?

    andre_sabino Friend


    I have tried to rename the file pagination.php, to something like _pagination.php (folder …pluginssystemjat3corejoomla), to avoid making an object restatement. The file pagination.php still exists in other folder.

    It is working for me now.
    This does not invalidate any possible correction that has to be done.

    Please tell me if it works for you too.

    André Sabino

    wicklert Friend

    This is working for me as well.
    Can’t believe this will be the ultimate solution :laugh: but can use DocMan again.
    We both have to wait for news (update) from Joomlart.

    Thanks André.


    Saguaros Moderator

    now, you try with this:

    Open the file: /system/jat3/core/joomla/pagination.php and add the following code at line 27

    [PHP]if( !class_exists(“JPagination”) ) {[/PHP]

    and add this at end of file:

    wicklert Friend

    Hi Tienhc,

    I’ve followed you’re advise.

    26 class JPagination extends JObject
    27 if( !class_exists("JPagination") ) {
    28 /**

    and at the end

    557 }
    558 }
    559 }

    This can’t be the solution, because this is giving problems…hangup of the website..!! :((
    What I’m doing wrong…??


    Saguaros Moderator

    26 class JPagination extends JObject
    27 if( !class_exists("JPagination") ) {
    28 /**

    << wrong in here:


    26 if( !class_exists("JPagination") ) {
    27 class JPagination extends JObject
    28 /**

    pls check again

    wicklert Friend

    <em>@tienhc 206022 wrote:</em><blockquote>Open the file: /plugins/system/jat3/core/joomla/pagination.php and add the following code at line 26

    [PHP]if( !class_exists(“JPagination”) ) {[/PHP]

    and add this at end of file:
    After given directions it’s working like a charm. 🙂
    I’ve marked adjusted line above in red.

    Thanks tienhc, you rock.


    thewill Friend

    I did what André said and it worked. I tried the advice from tienhc above and gave up. The example above needs to expanded.

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