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  • rosen4o Friend

    When I open template from mobile device all joomla content plugins are disabled.
    How can I enable one or all content plugins?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Because JAT3 v2 framework support mobile device and desktop device, you can define positions runs with desktop and mobile specific

    Desktop: templates/ja_template/etc/layouts/default.xml


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout name="desktop">
    <!--Extra css load for this layout-->
    <file media="only screen and (max-width:719px)">css/layout-mobile.css</file>
    <file media="only screen and (max-width:479px)">css/layout-mobile-port.css</file>
    <file media="only screen and (min-width:720px) and (max-width: 985px)">css/layout-tablet.css</file>
    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="absolute" type="modules" style="raw">absolute</block>
    <block name="top-panel" type="modules" style="raw" main-inner="1">top-panel</block>
    <block name="header" type="header" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="mainnav" type="mainnav" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="cpanel" type="usertools/cpanel"></block>
    <block name="masshead" style="raw" no-main="1">masshead</block>
    <block name="slideshow" style="raw">slideshow</block>
    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight">user1, user2, user3, user4</block>
    <block name="topsl1" type="spotlight">user5, user6, user7, user8</block>
    <block name="topsl2" type="spotlight">user9, user10, user11, user12</block>
    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="25">
    <block name="content-mass-top">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="right1">position-7</block>
    <block name="right2">position-5</block>
    <blocks name="bottom" style="xhtml">
    <block name="botsl" type="spotlight">user13, user14, user15, user16</block>
    <block name="botsl1" type="spotlight">user17, user18, user19, user20</block>
    <block name="botsl2" type="spotlight">user21, user22, user23, user24</block>
    <block name="navhelper" type="navhelper"></block>
    <block name="footer" type="footer"></block>

    Mobile: templates/ja_template/etc/layouts/iphone.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layout body-class="bd-iphone" device="iphone">
    <description>Default layout for Iphone</description>
    <!--Extra css load for this layout-->
    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="mainnav" type="iphone/mainnav" class="black"></block>
    <block name="header" type="iphone/header"></block>
    <blocks name="middle">
    <blocks name="bottom" style="xhtml">
    <block name="footer" type="iphone/footer"></block>

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 11 years, 8 months ago.

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