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  • scarney Friend

    I am wondering if it is normal that I should see a bunch of what looks like duplicate plugins in my system after doing a template upgrade. Actually I have upgraded this site once from Joomla 1.7 to 2.5 and recently from 2.5 to 3.3.6

    I am also upgrading the templates, etc… the plugin in my extension manager that I am wondering about are as follows:

    jaupdater.japopup Site Plugin system 10443
    jaupdater.japopup Site Plugin system 10446
    jaupdater.jat3 Site Plugin system 10444
    jaupdater.jatabs Site Plugin system 10447
    jaupdater.jatabs Site Plugin system 10445
    jaupdater.plg_jathumbnail Site Plugin content 10441
    jaupdater.plg_jathumbnail Site Plugin content 10442

    I disabled all of them but want to make sure that is OK. Maybe they are all needed to use the JA extension manager?

    Thanks, Sean Carney

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Sean,

    1. You should use our JA Extensions Manager to update our template, extensions. This JA Extensions Manager has a rollback function, which is very useful when the update is failed.

    2. It seems there are 2 instances of these extensions in your site. You can try to remove one. But, remember to backup your site first

    Best regards,
    Eragon H

    scarney Friend

    Thank you very much. I tried to uninstall all instances of the JA Extension Manager first with the intent of then reinstalling fresh. but, one of the instances would not reinstall. S,I m getting some assistance from my site host. Then I will install the JA Extension Manager again.

    scarney Friend

    OK. It looks like the site host is going to ask me to get help from you. My Joomla believe that there were two instances of the JA Extension Manager. The both show up with the correct name and then both appear within my JA Extension Manager. But, when I go to remove one of them then the other is NOT removed and become renamed to com_jaextmanager in my Extensions->Manage area.

    I am trying to use the Extension Manager to manage the extensions. But, also trying to not have duplicates. I also may have created another problem in that I deleted all the instances of the jaupdater.ja* plugins.

    Right now I have reinstalled JA Extension Manager so that you can see that I have duplicates within JA Extension Manager.

    If you go to the Joomla Extension Manager: Manage you will also see that I have two instances. But, if you remove either instance then the actual folder will be deleted from the system but my joomla does not realize it is deleted.

    Is this something I can delete manually by removing a row from a table in the database?

    Thanks, Sean

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  scarney 10 years ago.

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