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  • sadesh Friend

    I have the following javascripts loaded in my homepage that JCH Optimize can not combine.

    * /plugins/system/mediaobject/js/mediaobject-150.js
    * /modules/mod_jf_twitter/assets/twitter.js
    * /modules/mod_jawidget_weather/assets/autosuggest/js/bsn.AutoSuggest_2.1.3.js
    * /modules/mod_myevents/jquery.pajinate.min.js
    * /modules/mod_gtranslate/jquery-translate.js
    * /modules/mod_janewsticker/assets/script.js
    * /modules/mod_rokajaxsearch/js/rokajaxsearch.js
    * /plugins/system/pc_includes/ajax_1.3.js
    * /plugins/system/plg_jausersetting/script.js
    * /plugins/content/ja_tabs/ja_tabs.js

    How can I combine all these into one?


    how can I place the call at the bottom (good according to YSlow)?

    P.S. I have manually combined my css files into a master css file and called it when needed from all the modules and plugins. But this Javascript thingy is confusing.

    thank you!

    Saguaros Moderator

    as you said, the site is using the Optimize plugin, and ” I have the following javascripts loaded in my homepage that JCH Optimize can not combine.” << this is a issue from this plugin, you should contact thiers developers, they will help you to resolve this issue, beside this plugin you can the ja compress plugin, i recommend you should try using some others to choose a best one for your site.

    <blockquote> how can I place the call at the bottom (good according to YSlow)? </blockquote> this feature must to improve in the plugin. so you need to find a extension having this feature: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/site-management/site-performance

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 14 years, 4 months ago.

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