I have the following javascripts loaded in my homepage that JCH Optimize can not combine.
* /plugins/system/mediaobject/js/mediaobject-150.js
* /modules/mod_jf_twitter/assets/twitter.js
* /modules/mod_jawidget_weather/assets/autosuggest/js/bsn.AutoSuggest_2.1.3.js
* /modules/mod_myevents/jquery.pajinate.min.js
* /modules/mod_gtranslate/jquery-translate.js
* /modules/mod_janewsticker/assets/script.js
* /modules/mod_rokajaxsearch/js/rokajaxsearch.js
* /plugins/system/pc_includes/ajax_1.3.js
* /plugins/system/plg_jausersetting/script.js
* /plugins/content/ja_tabs/ja_tabs.js
How can I combine all these into one?
how can I place the call at the bottom (good according to YSlow)?
P.S. I have manually combined my css files into a master css file and called it when needed from all the modules and plugins. But this Javascript thingy is confusing.
thank you!