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  • modro Friend

    I am currently working on a website with Joomla and a predefined template:


    And I am using this gallery form which is using javascript:


    If you want to have a look at the website feel free to: wintergartenparadies.at

    You can find the testgallery under “Fotogallerie”

    Stuff I already tried (on my localhost): Removing useless scripts and duplicate scripts (didn’t work) Disabling Mootools (no change) Using for the Menupoint a different theme (seemed to work) But I actually need the theme to fit the entire website

    Its really strange. If you are on a site with articles and then switch to the gallerie it isn’t working. If you are on a Site without Articles and then switch to the gallery it works . If its broken its enough to refresh and it’ll work just fine. But who wants to refresh every time it isn’t working?

    Interestingly enough the JScript is breaking the same way on the contactform. I have no clue how to fix this but its really an issue i have to fix.

    I would be happy for anything because I really need to get this to work. Even if its a simple workaround ill take it!

    With best regards, modro

    phong nam Friend

    Hi modro,

    You can try to disable System – Cache plugin in Plugin Manager, then check your Responsive Gallery plugin again.

    modro Friend

    I disabled it when I started working..
    Still isn’t working

    It seems to be something that breaks my scripts because the Contactform is broken too the first time I load it.

    And I can assure its the theme that breaks it. On my localhost I have a temporary workaround using the protostar theme for the two specific pages that use JScript.

    phong nam Friend

    Hi modro,

    It is really hard for me to give your correct suggestion if your website are still on localhost. Can you try to test the Responsive Gallery plugin on available default Joomla templates (i.e protostar) ? Don’t forget to inform me your result.

    modro Friend

    As said everything works fine on the protostar
    Thats what Im using atm for the two sites that use JScript
    It seems to be the theme that breaks JScript

    phong nam Friend

    Hi modro,

    Well, would you mind sending me PM with your Responsive Gallery licenced package ? I will test it on our demo hosting, then back to you with the result and suitable solution.

    georgeroth Friend

    The same is happening to my site. Try to login to my site and click on on the top left, bullhorn icon (“Új sajtóközlemény”), which is the content submission form. If you go there from the menu, the javascript doesn’t load (look at the default editor not loading or try adding an image for example from the second tab of the submission form), but if you refresh the page, it loads and works fine. The same seems to happen on the registration page of community builder as well.

    You can find the login info my site here:

    I assume this will be a script in the menu somewhere to reduce loading time, but is fine enough until you only have articles 🙂 A workaround would be good enough, I tried reloading those pages instantly after loading them, but of course that doesn’t work because that’s javascript too…

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    georgeroth Friend

    It’s even worse, external links don’t work from the menu. They give a 404 with http://managerzone.hu/http://bit.ly/Y5lFtT for example. I tried disabling SEF but it didn’t help. If you right click -> open in new tab, the link works fine, so it must be the js the menu is applying there.

    Seems to be a pretty serious issue, can someone please take a look at this?

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi georgeroth,

    1. Editor only appear after refresh
    +) Please go to: Menu >> Main Menu >> Új sajtóközlemény >> Tab Page Display
    +) Add “noajax” at Page Class

    2. External link:
    Please replace the file root/templates/ja_smashboard/js/script.js with the ones in attachment (please unzip it firstly). Remember to BACKUP your file before replacing


    1. script.rar
    georgeroth Friend

    Hi Eragon,

    both of your fixes are verified, thanks a million for the help! It might be worth putting this script in the template .zip and notify users about the “noajax” class in the documentation (maybe it is there and I just didn’t find it though).

    Thanks again!

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