i’m getting an error with this module.
When I load the page i get this error in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function script.js:36
Class._bindingAndprocessingEventForm script.js:36
e.extend.$owner mootools-core.js:38
(anonymous function) index.php?lang=it:901
(anonymous function) mootools-core.js:121
(anonymous function) mootools-core.js:5
Array.implement.each mootools-core.js:9
invoke.fireEvent mootools-core.js:120
j mootools-core.js:175
This error happen on first line of __bindingAndprocessingEventForm in script.js. The line is:
var forms = parent.getElements(‘.ja-usersetting form’);
So parent object do not have getElements() function.
Can someone help me to find the problem?
Thank you