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  • kutu Friend

    When do you release new version of job board for j1.5


    What is the release date for new version of Job Board for joomla 1.6

    Vinh CV Friend

    <em>@kutu 224705 wrote:</em><blockquote>When do you release new version of job board for j1.5


    What is the release date for new version of Job Board for joomla 1.6</blockquote>

    Hi kutu,
    JAJobBoard 1.5.1 is still in development and testing, it will be released in the end of this month, and JAJobBoard for Joomla 1.6 will be released in the end of next month.

    sharpdome Friend


    I am very troubled to see this message.

    You told me in writing on February 8th that “JAJobBoard 1.5.1 will be released around the end of February.”

    You confirmed this in writing once more after I asked for an update on February 18th by saying “We are going to release JAJobboard 1.5.1 in the end of this month.”

    Are you not honoring your written committments? What happened? Please explain.

    kutu Friend

    <em>@sharpdome 224992 wrote:</em><blockquote>Vinh,

    I am very troubled to see this message.

    You told me in writing on February 8th that “JAJobBoard 1.5.1 will be released around the end of February.”

    You confirmed this in writing once more after I asked for an update on February 18th by saying “We are going to release JAJobboard 1.5.1 in the end of this month.”

    Are you not honoring your written committments? What happened? Please explain.</blockquote>

    Is there any improvement?

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear all

    Therea are some problems that we can’t release product at this time.
    Because the new version have many new usefull features that make us need more time to test carefull before release.
    Sorry for this delay.

    sharpdome Friend

    Why do you not communicate when you can’t make your written commitments? This type of situation has happened many, many times. Is the owner of the business aware that you are making commitments to customers and then failing to deliver them and also not communicating when you know there are problems?

    The customer communication process at your company is not professional. When people pay for a product they expect a certain level of professional treatment. It is very difficult to do business with a company that commits to something and then fails to communicate when there is a problem.

    Please make sure the owner of the company knows about this problem. I would appreciate a response from the owner of the company as to what is being done to correct this problem so that customers feel they are being treated respectfully and professionally.

    benj100 Friend

    On March 2 you said Job Board 1.51 will be released at the end of this month. Are you still planning on honoring this statement? It is now the end of the month and many people are counting on this upgrade. Any update will be greatly appreciated as it helps us better plan our projects and provide better service to our clients.

    Thank you

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi benj,

    The JB 1.5.1 testing is taking time and apart from our own testers we are taking help of other 3 JB members also, who are helping with the testing & bug reports and features workflow. For once, we want this version to roll out perfect.

    I very well understand that its testing your patience, i am ready to provide the dev builds to you guys if you wish to help with testing & bug reports. Anyone near the expiry of his JB membership can raise request support ticket for extension of his membership.

    Thanks for your support and patience.


    benj100 Friend

    Thank you for the quick reply. I know you are hesitant to give out anymore timeframes, but it would be extremely helpful to us. Just an estimate, are we talking days or still a few weeks out? Either answer is fine as long as we can tell our clients something. We sometimes look foolish to our clients when we keep telling them to wait and wait. Any info regarding that will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you again for the update.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi benj,

    Even you are aware how we end up falling flat on face after missing the deadlines. We would be able to allocate more testers to the JB testing once we are done with the magento Theme upgrade to the latest Magento version in the coming days. J 1.6.1. upgrade is on hold and will be undertaken only after releasing JB.

    I am working with the developers, test team and 3 JB users to get this one right. If all goes well, i wish to get this one rolled out by second week of april. I would be glad if anyone of you wish to test drive the dev build. being the users you guys are in better position to identify the bugs, which might be missed by the testers.

    for future, JobBoard would not get any new feature improvement for the next 4-6 months and all efforts would be on bug fixes and minor stuff. Its been a long story of adding new feature and it breaks something else.



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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Arvind Chauhan 13 years, 5 months ago.

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