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  • Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Hello, second question:

    After installing and playing a little with the frontend and backend of Job Board, I created a jobseeker user, I received the email with the activation link, but after cliking it does not activate the Joomla user, so I cannot login, it takes me to the joomla core login form. From the admin, the joomla user is still locked, the job board seeker is valid (green flag).

    Do I need to modify the configuration somewhere?

    Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello maryann,

    To fix this issue, please open the file: components/com_jajobboard/controllers/jauserregister.php

    Find and replace this code snippet:


    For activation links that are sent, you will see they will have a format like below :

    To active your account, please update that link to

    FYI: we have fixed this issue, and we will try to release the new version soon. Please wait to update. You can check this issue at:

    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Thanks. I changed the code. No test yet.

    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    How do you manage upgrades? through the JA extensions manager? or just replacing files? How can I know when the new version is released?

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello Maryann,

    As other product of JA, you can upgrade it by both JAEM component or download it from forum and install it manually. Our test team are working on the new version. If nothing changes, I think it can release on the next week.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 12 years, 2 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum