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  • conforturis Friend

    How can I make List of Jobs module to show offers of a single category?

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Conforturis,

    I’m afraid that at this moment this module doesn’t support to filter jobs by categories.

    conforturis Friend

    But we can do this changing the code. Tell me how?
    It is really important.

    HeR0 Friend

    Pls do as follow to see one the example of customization.

    – Open file mod_jalist_jobs.xml and add new params

    <field name="cat_id" type="text" default="20" label="CATEGORY" description="CATEGORY_DESC" />

    – Open file mod_jalist_jobs.php and add new code line

    [PHP]$catid = intval($params->get( ‘cat_id’, 0 ));[/PHP]
    after line

    [PHP]$mode = trim( $params->get( ‘mode’, ‘a.effected_date desc’ ) );[/PHP]

    Change code line

    [PHP]$all_items = modJAListJobsHelper::get_list_jobs($model, $limit, $mode);[/PHP]
    [PHP]$all_items = modJAListJobsHelper::get_list_jobs($model, $limit, $mode, $catid);[/PHP]

    – Open file helper.php and custom condition to filter jobs by category then edit function get_list_jobs to

    [PHP]function get_list_jobs( $model, $limit=20, $mode=”, $catid = 0 ){
    global $jbconfig;
    $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();

    $limitstart = 0;

    $where_more = ‘ a.status=’Approved’ ‘;
    $where_more .= ‘ and(a.effected_date<=now()) and ( (DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘. (int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_display_days’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=0) or (DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘. (int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_show_days_elapsed’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=1) )’;
    if($catid > 0){
    $where_more .= ‘ and (a.cat_id LIKE ”.$catid.’,%’ OR a.cat_id LIKE ‘%,’.$catid.’,%’ OR a.cat_id LIKE ‘%,’.$catid.” OR a.cat_id = ‘.$catid.’) ‘;
    if (JRequest::getVar(‘task’)!=’employer’) {
    $filter_order = JRequest::getString(‘filter_order’, ”);
    $filter_order_Dir = JRequest::getString(‘filter_order_Dir’, ‘DESC’);
    if ($filter_order!=null) {
    $mode = ”;
    $mode .= $filter_order .’ ‘. $filter_order_Dir;
    $all_items = $model->getItems($where_more, $limit, $limitstart, $mode);

    return $all_items;

    Hope this helps.


    conforturis Friend

    Works good!

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