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  • Mary Ann Wellington Friend


    The scenario:
    My test jobseeker applies to a job post through the application form.
    -If the jobseeker sends the Job Board resume, everything is fine, all details are inserted correctly into the database.
    -If the jobseeker uploads a new file at the application form, and submits this form, the name of the jobseeker gets lowered and modified before inserted into the database. So the Employer receives this details and the Admin Applications have this details as well.

    Jobseeker: Maria Antonia
    Applies for a job with jobboard resume, date inserted OK into ja_applications table.
    Applies for a job with new uploaded file, name lowered to maria-antonia and inserted into table.

    How can I fix this?, where is the function that inserts data into applications table?


    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    A database search for the joobseeker modified name points to the #__session table, there it is my jobseeker name modified, how?

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Maryann,

    I check on our demo and see that it works without error as you mentioned . Please check out

    Did you modify some code referrer to application store?


    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Hi HeR0,

    seems to be some error from me, or the session management. I deleted the sessions stored at the #__session table and it looks fine now. Thanks.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mary Ann Wellington 11 years, 9 months ago.

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