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  • mompower Friend


    My Job Seeker and Employer registration is now directly on my resume form and company profile forms which results in way to much info being asked (even if not required) by job seekers and employers registering on my site http://www.MomPower.biz.

    Is it possible to have the registrations without the rest of the forms for the two account set ups?



    Vinh CV Friend

    Hi Mompower

    Guest can register with basic question via link: http://www.mompower.biz/index.php?option=com_user&view=register, but they must update their profile/ resume via JAJobBoard Menu Module after login, and you can customize these profile/resume fields in http://www.mompower.biz/administrator/index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jamanagefields

    mompower Friend

    Thanks, what is the employer link like this and how would I place those links within the ‘create an account’ part of the login module? Also can I customize these logins and how?


    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear Mompower

    The link: http://www.mompower.biz/index.php?option=com_user&view=register using for Joomla user register, after a guest registered, they can login to the JaJobBoard Menu Module to upgrade their information as JobSeeker or Employer.

    You can customize the JAJobBoard Menu Module via: modulesmod_jajobboard_menutmpldefault.php

    mompower Friend

    the JAJobBoard Menu Module is what appears to be missing, how do I reinstall this item?

    mompower Friend

    My Job Seeker registration was added onto my resume form, how do I separate these back to the original settings? Same on the Employer side.

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear mompower

    You can go to http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=1760 to download latest JAJobBoard Menu Module and install it without remove old JAJobBoard Menu Module on your site.
    The Registration as Employer/JobSeeker link will apprear in this Module on FrontEnd.

    mompower Friend

    This did not change anything, can you look at my site to see what I am asking? Or fix it? This issue is forcing me to look for another job board solution.

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear mompower

    I have checked on your site, and the latest JAJobBoard Menu Module is installed on your site, you can enable it in:

    I don’t understand your register/login customization request for Employer/JobSeeker on your site and haven’t change any thing for it. So, i can’t help you on this case.

    As normal, you can user JA Jobboard Menu Module on your FrontEnd, guest see the Register as Employer/JobSeeker and they will register by these links, login on Module to use functions for their user type.

    mompower Friend

    guests do not see register as employer/job seeker, that is the piece I can not locate

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear mompower

    If you enable JAJobBoard Menu Module on the FrontEnd, guest will see the Registration as Employer/JobSeeker link. In other way, you can create a Registration link as bellow:
    For Employer: /index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jauserregister&layout=regemployerform&Itemid=9999
    For JobSeeker: /index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jauserregister&layout=regjobseekerform&Itemid=9999

    mompower Friend

    Have you actually gone on the site and tested registration for job seeker and employers, you will better understand my question.

    theskoliant Friend

    <em>@mompower 204339 wrote:</em><blockquote>My Job Seeker registration was added onto my resume form, how do I separate these back to the original settings? Same on the Employer side.</blockquote>

    Hello mompower,

    I am having the same problem as you, please let me know when you find a solution

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear mompower

    You can seperate the Registration Proccess in 2 steps:
    1. Register as General user via: /index.php?option=com_user&view=register
    2. User login and update their profile via JAJobBoard Menu Module: /index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jausergroup

    mompower Friend

    So far my solution is a ning site and job board linked from somewhere else

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