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  • Mary Ann Wellington Friend


    While testing Job Board, I published a Job post as an employer, my Jobs Map module is active, but it does not show the Job on the location selected, Any help?, I have activated to show jobs by location for jobs posting at the component system config for Google map.


    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    My Maps module works fine, key ok, load fine on JA tab on main page, just no jobs on the map.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Your mean is map on job detail page?
    in this case, please opening plugin manager page, finding and enabling ja map plugin.
    If this plugin was not installed, you can download it in JB download page at:

    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Hi Dead Code,

    I have not this plugin into my installation, I have the G. Map module linked to one of the JA Tabs of the main page. It used to work on the demo site and default install, but I deleted all job posts from the demo to start testing my own posts. Now I don’t see any Job Location on the Map module of the Tab at the homepage. Have you changed anything about this since your new releases?. Previously, the G. Map plugin was not part of the JobBoard package, but following your link now I see it is part of the package. Do I have to change anything in my configuration?, I mean, do I have to remove the Map module and install the Map plugin?, what else has changed?

    Thanks. Mary.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello Maryann,

    Please send me screenshot of bug, and give me administrator of your site, I’ll resolve this issue for you.

    Regarding G. Map plugin, it is missed in fisrt version of Jobboard for Joomla 2.5, but we have added it again since version 1.0.2.
    Or you can download and install it, it is added in downloaded page of JB package

    “JA System Google Map plugin for Joomla 2.5”

    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Hi Dead Code,

    Sorry for my late reply. The test environment of my jobBoard installation is on a localhost environment behind a DLS router. I installed the Map plugin and it shows fine at the job post pages, resume view, profile, etc.

    If only one Location is selected by Employers or Job Seekers, the google map pointer shows fine at the selected location. However, if a job Seeker/Employer selects more than one location by the multiple select referenced with the Locations table, The Maps plugin shows only one pointer in the middle of all the locations selected. Ej.: if I select Location Madrid and Barcelona, the Map pointer is placed somewhere in the middle of both cities. It would be good if it shows as many pointers as Locations are selected.

    Is this clear?

    The other question of this topic, the Maps module on the JA Tabs at the main page of the web still does not show the jobs posts locations pointers, as it did with the sample job posts of the v1.0.0. Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello maryann,

    If you select many locations, some location could be not display on map because they are too far from center location.
    In this case, you need zoom out map to see them, or on setting form of JA Jobs Map module in back-end, you need select lesser level for the zoom setting

    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Hi Dead Code,

    HeR0 seem to have fixed the TCPDF Error, I must check.

    However, I have two job posts in my web, both located in Valencia, Spain, and none of them displays the pointer at the google map module of the main page tab “Jobs By Map”, nor in spanish or english.

    Any idea?, You two already have my web admin details.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Maryann
    Because in module map setting, you set display job on Genoa location while you posted 2 jobs in Valencia location. So i change to display on all locations in module setting. Now it displayed 2 jobs.


    Mary Ann Wellington Friend

    Thanks HeR0,

    I didn’t know I should select all locations in the map setting so they are all displayed. Good to know. I can see the two offers now.


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