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  • melanieb Friend


    I am using the latest version of the jobsboard with the mendizite template and latest Jomsocial 2.8.4.

    I have a couple of issues:

    1. I cannot get the main page to show (the one with the tabs) I have enabled JA Tabs and set the postion to content-top as suggested and set the page where it should be displayed.

    2. When a user registers using the Jomsocial registration the details are not being posted to the Jobsboard at all (I tried using the manual import for a job seeker and this imported just the Joomla fields – not the Jomsocial form fields

    3. In the jobsboard backend, in the employer summary, it shows 2 employers when in fact there is only one.

    I couldn’t use the quickstart unfortunately as have already done considerable work to the site. Can you help me? I have gone through the setup manual and just can’t see what i may have done wrong.

    Kind regards

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Malanieb,

    <blockquote>1. I cannot get the main page to show (the one with the tabs) I have enabled JA Tabs and set the postion to content-top as suggested and set the page where it should be displayed.</blockquote>
    >> This template has not content-top position, please look . So you could add JA Tabs module to user5, user6, user7 positions.

    <blockquote>2. When a user registers using the Jomsocial registration the details are not being posted to the Jobsboard at all (I tried using the manual import for a job seeker and this imported just the Joomla fields – not the Jomsocial form fields</blockquote>
    >> Please look how to set up JAJB social plugin for intergrate Jomsocial user profile with JAJB user profile.
    Job Seeker user can not post job. Only employer could post jobs on front end and super admin, JAJB admin account on backend.

    <blockquote>3. In the jobsboard backend, in the employer summary, it shows 2 employers when in fact there is only one.</blockquote>
    >> That means there is an Employer data error, so you must check in database with table ja_profile and ja_employer


    melanieb Friend

    Hi HeRo,

    apologies for delay replying, I have been going through what you said above and made some changes. I have now resolved issue number 3 based on your instructions and have cleared the database tables so all is well there.

    With 1.
    I have selected a new position and now at least something displays, however instead of the tabs I get this code:

    {jatabs type=”modules” animType=”animNone” style=”” position=”top” widthTabs=”120″ heightTabs=”30″ width=”100%” height=”auto” mouseType=”click” duration=”1000″ jaclass=”” module=”left” }{/jatabs}

    2. This is still a problem. I have gone through both the jomsoical and the jajobboard fields and ensured they are the same field types and names in each (which they now are) I then went through the registration process to register a test user and again it registers ok in Jomsocial and in Joomla, but nothing appears in the jobsboard. I have gone through the instructions a number of times, and was wondering if where it says

    “2. Field Name: If config ‘User Type’ is “Select by User”’, Profile of JomSocial must have be a new field in for user to select User Type in register process, and the value is defined by ‘Field Name’, ‘Employer Value’, ‘Job Seeker Value’ ”

    Whether my selections in Jomsocial have to use the words Employer and Job Seeker as opposed to what I need it to say as follows:

    I am an individual interested in volunteering
    We are an organisation interested in offering volunteering opportunities
    Not interested in volunteering

    I am not sure what else I could have done that prevents this from working – can you help me?

    HeR0 Friend


    The account “jajobs” was disabled, so i could not check issue on your site. Please enable it with super admin access or pm me another super admin account for further checks.


    melanieb Friend

    Hi Hero,

    I had accidently changed the group to Administrator and not Super. I have done this now. I hope you can help me as I have gone through all the instructions and can’t understand why its not working.

    Kind regards

    melanieb Friend

    Hi Hero,

    I have enabled Super Admin access – please let me know if I need to do anything else


    HeR0 Friend


    1. You were missing the step to enable JA Tabs plugins, so i enabled it to resolve this issue.
    2. Your User Type field setup in Jomsocial profile fields is wrong, you must set value of Option as user guide. Please check the screenshots
    Option values are: Employers and Job Seeker


    melanieb Friend

    Hi HeRo,

    many thanks for your help – I can now see the tabs correctly.

    Unfortunately I still cannot get the jomsocial/jobsboard to work. I have changed the System – JAJB jomSocial back to Employer and Job Seeker and also changed the custom profiles to the same and made sure it looks as you specify in the screen shot. I have done some test registrations (both as employer and job seeker) and nothing happens in the Jobboard.

    Is there some setting within the job board that I have to alter (that connects the Employer and Job Seeker fields?

    I am at a loss as to what else to try to get it to work.

    Also, am I not able to change the terms: Employer and Job Seeker to match something more suited to my industry i.e. Organisation and Volunteer?

    HeR0 Friend


    I checked by registering a new account HeR0 and could see the plugin is working now. Please note that the Jobboard user is only available when the Joomla user is activated. In your site configuration, the new user must be activated by an admin, so the Jobboard user will activate after admin approves new registration.


    melanieb Friend


    I still cannot get this to work when I create a new registration. I have even set it to no activation in Joomla so that new registrations are already enabled and this doesn’t work either. I can’t recreate how you managed to successfully add your user to the jobboard. Did you use the Create an account link at the top of the website?

    HeR0 Friend


    Please re-active the jajobs account for further checking.


    melanieb Friend

    Hi HeRo,

    I have just sent you the login details by PM

    Kind regards

    HeR0 Friend


    Please check the account again. I tried several times, but had no success


    melanieb Friend


    my apologies, I have reset the account and sent you the login details via pm. Not sure what happened there.

    Kind regards

    HeR0 Friend


    I still can not access with the new account.

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