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  • mwanakijiji Friend

    I have installed Joomla 1.5 RC.
    I’m now trying to install TELINE template only to find some errors.
    I was first asked to change the legacy mode to ON.
    Once I did it something else came up.
    The installation fails and the following message is displayed.

    Module Install: No module file specified
    Install Module Error

    I’ve tried to see how I can deal with the modules only to find myself prompted to ask for support as nothing works now.

    I need ya help GUYS!!!

    andretti Friend

    I can’t install my old Villadi on Joomla 1.5 so I tied the latest, which by the way states 1.5 support- Larix.

    Neither installs correctly. First you get the described error- “extension seems to be made for an earlier version…” or something like that. And then it says you have to activate “legacy mode”.

    I do that and the templates seem to install. But then they can’t be activated. If I assign as default I only get a white page. with nothing.

    I’d really like help with this, since I want <div> generated output instead of tables.


    bfahnoe Friend

    I have a website based on Bellatrix. It says in that bellatrix is 1.5 compatible.
    But all I get when I try it is ‘Restricted acces’ I cannot get into the website at all.
    I hope it will be possible to update to 1.5. But as long as the template will not run I wait

    bfahnoe Friend

    I have chmod’ed a lot of directories to 777 and i have set System Legacy mode to on.
    Now most seems to work. Transmenu does not work – submenus gives error. But Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu works. I have not tried all.:D

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bfahnoe 17 years, 3 months ago.

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