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  • mikac Friend


    I have Updated my site to Joomla! 1.6.2 version (on the localhost, from 1.6.1 version), and this happened to my contact forms on English version (the other language is fine)….

    What caused this, and what do I need to edit before Updating Live site?

    Thank you very much.

    p.s. “Refresh” that I caught with print screen is NOT an issue

    1. community_plus_joomla_1_6_2
    2. community_plus_joomla_1_6_2_second
    Don Lee Friend

    I guess the new language file missing for those translations, try to find the texts in en-GB.com_contact.ini under /languages/en-GB/ to translate yourself 🙂

    mikac Friend

    Well…you are right, the Serbian language folder is missing (/language/sr-YU), but when I copy it back from the backup, it is still the same. And the strange thing is that it works well for Serbian version, but does NOT on English. (I also checked en-GB.com_contact.ini and it’s just fine)

    Any idea how to restore this properly?

    Thank you,

    Don Lee Friend

    Please provide me with your admin and FTP access for further checking via this ticket TUQ-220-41265.


    mikac Friend

    Well.. like I said, I did it on a localhost, I would like to resolve it before uploading it to a live site (it’s company’s site and I don’t know how long it would take to fix it).. so any suggestions…

    Thanks again,

    mikac Friend

    Hmm.. the language files are OK after I have restored site again and updated to Joomla! 1.6.3 directly from 1.6.1 *(localhost), but the problem persists.

    I don’t think it’s language files… could it be something else?

    Thank you,

    mikac Friend

    I have updated LIVE site to Joomla! 1.6.3 (from 1.6.1) and it is the same issue as on localhost.

    I have provided admin and ftp details via the ticket TUQ-220-41265

    Thank you, Milan

    Don Lee Friend

    Thanks for providing me with access. The issue is that your language file is missing for some translations after upgrading.

    Eg: When I went to your contact site I was seeing the first column’s title being COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_EMAIL_NAME so I opened /www/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contact.ini and added this translation in to the file:


    Please do the same for remain ones to resolve this issue!

    mikac Friend

    Thank you Don Lee. Solved!

    Appreciate it.


    mikac Friend


    can you maybe help with this one…

    It’s the same site, I just moved it to a new server and now the Contact form won’t work…it displays this error…when I submit all data and click send for both English and Serbian version…

    Please help.

    p.s. Offcourse I did input all fields, and It doesn’t send emails as well.

    1. contact_SR
    2. contact_EN
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mikac 13 years, 7 months ago.

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