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  • cgc0202 Friend

    I wonder if Joomlart has any plans to improve or create new e-commerce template. It seems the focus in this has been mainly a push for the Magento but the initial discussions here about the core developers of Magento did not make me trust them too much.

    Among the Joomlart e-commerce templates, I like the JA Mesolite II for its more clean design. The T3 version though made it very difficult for me to modify the layout as easily as the non-T3 version (I will post my ideas in the JA Mesolite forum regarding how I want to modify the layout).

    However, it would be nice to have a Joomla 1.6 e-commerce so that it would be more compatible with the news-magazine site I am developing using Teline IV.

    I know that VirtueMart has issues with Joomla 1.6 and it seems they balk in upgrading to it.

    I am hesitant to abandon VirtueMart though, but I have to consider other options.Has anyone used any of the newer e-commerce kits that are compatible with Joomla 1.6?


    cgc0202 Friend

    No response.

    TomC Moderator

    It’s clear that many (if not most) Joomla Template creators are moving away from VirtueMart due to VMs stagnation over the last several years. In my opinion, even the latest version updates listed by VirtueMart are not significant enough to keep up with contemporary ecommece needs and functionality – so I can’t say I necessarily blame the template designers.

    From what I’ve been seeing as of late, many Joomla Template clubs and designers are starting to gravitate toward the K2 Shop as their chosen ecommerce platform for Joomla templates. Personally, I do not care for the overall K2 ecommerce layouts I’ve seen thus far – they’re lackluster.

    So, while I am not one to speak for any of the template designers, it seems to me that VirtueMart is quickly becoming a dinosaur destined for extinction.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 239632 wrote:</em><blockquote>It’s clear that many (if not most) Joomla Template creators are moving away from VirtueMart due to VMs stagnation over the last several years. In my opinion, even the latest version updates listed by VirtueMart are not significant enough to keep up with contemporary ecommece needs and functionality – so I can’t say I necessarily blame the template designers.

    From what I’ve been seeing as of late, many Joomla Template clubs and designers are starting to gravitate toward the K2 Shop as their chosen ecommerce platform for Joomla templates. Personally, I do not care for the overall K2 ecommerce layouts I’ve seen thus far – they’re lackluster.

    So, while I am not one to speak for any of the template designers, it seems to me that VirtueMart is quickly becoming a dinosaur destined for extinction.</blockquote>


    I used one of the extensions of the developer of K2, and the technical support and update were less than desirable. It is very useful for my purpose though so I use that application.

    Now, as to Magento, wasn’t it you who was one of those who questioned the tactics of the Magento developers when Joomlart first started with Magento?

    I was reviewing the Joomlart plan for Magento. I would not mind paying $200 per domain, as stated, if I can be assured that Joomlart does indeed support the template — including technical support for it.

    My experience with using the Teline templates, if it is to be the same as the Magento templates, causes me to hesitate jumping into Magento. I liked Teline II and most of my sites have been created using it. It also was the most popular template based on forum postings. And yet, almost four months since Joomla 1.6 has been announced, there is yet no update for Teline II Joomla 1.6.

    The same is true with Teline IV. I like it quite a bit, but as it turned out, like many Joomlart templates, there were so many bugs and unresolved issues. Almost four months has elapsed and quite a number of the issues raised remain unresolved. Some I know got frustrated and abandoned Teline IV — not because it was not good, just because they are not getting the technical support. While commendable, I do not think it is the responsibility of other members to help other members to solve issues that should never have arisen, if templates are tested well before release. And, if they do happen, which is usually the norm, the onus of resolving the bugs lie on Joomlart.

    With that as a backdrop, what would be my guarantee that if I buy a Magento template at $200 per domain, I would not get the same experience as I had with the Teline series?


    TomC Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 239642 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Now, as to Magento, wasn’t it you who was one of those who questioned the tactics of the Magento developers when Joomlart first started with Magento?[/quote]
    My beef with the Magento Team was their release and focus of their monstrously priced “Enterprise” edition – which I felt was a slap in the face to the Community members who had helped to put Magento on the map.

    <em>@cgc0202 239642 wrote:</em><blockquote>]I was reviewing the Joomlart plan for Magento. I would not mind paying $200 per domain, as stated, if I can be assured that Joomlart does indeed support the template — including technical support for it. [/quote]
    My personal opinion … that is still a bit too pricey. In my opinion, the JoomlArt Magento templates have been somewhat lacking in the overall level of “stand-apart” design – though I took a peak at the new one coming out and, for the most part, there is some definite design improvement (though I still think JA needs to implement a mega menu option for the Magento templates – as many other Magento theme clubs are doing).

    <em>@cgc0202 239642 wrote:</em><blockquote>My experience with using the Teline templates, if it is to be the same as the Magento templates, causes me to hesitate jumping into Magento. I liked Teline II and most of my sites have been created using it. It also was the most popular template based on forum postings. And yet, almost four months since Joomla 1.6 has been announced, there is yet no update for Teline II Joomla 1.6.[/quote]
    There are a few VERY GOOD resources popping up here and there to help with the learning curve with the Magento file structure system. In my opinion, the current best is via Ecommerce Developer –> . . . and . . .

    Perhaps those might help you too (as it has me) in getting over that Magento “hump.”

    Just as an FYI, my current plans for my ecommerce project is to utilize Magento for the shopping cart/store function, and Joomla for many of the sub/ancillary sections – such as a company online magazine, blog, social network, business directory, events planner, etc. While I do feel Magento is the superior shopping cart platform, you still can’t beat Joomla for the sheer diversity and incredible functionality for other supporting elements.

    cgc0202 Friend


    I agree with many of the stuff you stated, and thanks for the links. The thing is, we need to launch the online soon, I was hoping in June, but there is not enough time to drive test it before presenting to the public. The site would be mainly as an advertisement for the launch of the brick and mortar store by September 2011. However, if the online store is done well, there is no reason why it should not function as a true e-commerce site.

    I am not too familiar with Magento, because I was put-off by the steep price, I like Joomlart design, but as you stated, their plans are not the best. I am tempted to consider RocketTheme because of their much advertized technical support and very close community of members helping each other. The features integrated for each template are also more comprehensive, unlike Joomlart’s.

    One also can have more Magento templates for less money from RocketTheme.
    The only thing is that I am not too keen about the overall layout of their Magento templates. I am sure that if I work on it or hire someone, I can eventually convert a RocketTheme Magento template to the one I want, especially with their more comprehensive features.

    I have not checked other templates site yet. Part of the hesitance to try other sites is that I do not know how good their technical support is. If it is even worse than Joomlart, then any initial savings is not worth it.

    As to Joomlart’s Magento templates, what I want in the e-commerce site would be features found in different JM templates. I am not sure if the #200 per template would allow cherry-picking of desirable features from different Magento templates. From the cursory browsing I did with RocketTheme, each template includes access to their various extensions.

    I will post a Wish List of features I want of a Magento template in the New Customers forum. I hope Joomla will make something like the wish list between now and July. Until then, I will use the JA Mesolite to start so that we should be ready by July.

    If Joomlart continues with their cloning mode (with some variations) creation of templates, as they did with JA templates, and not create one as I wish, I may have no choice but to look elsewhere and use others to custommize the template for me.


    <em>@tcraw1010 239656 wrote:</em><blockquote>My beef with the Magento Team was their release and focus of their monstrously priced “Enterprise” edition – which I felt was a slap in the face to the Community members who had helped to put Magento on the map.

    My personal opinion … that is still a bit too pricey. In my opinion, the JoomlArt Magento templates have been somewhat lacking in the overall level of “stand-apart” design – though I took a peak at the new one coming out and, for the most part, there is some definite design improvement (though I still think JA needs to implement a mega menu option for the Magento templates – as many other Magento theme clubs are doing).

    There are a few VERY GOOD resources popping up here and there to help with the learning curve with the Magento file structure system. In my opinion, the current best is via Ecommerce Developer –> . . . and . . .

    Perhaps those might help you too (as it has me) in getting over that Magento “hump.”

    Just as an FYI, my current plans for my ecommerce project is to utilize Magento for the shopping cart/store function, and Joomla for many of the sub/ancillary sections – such as a company online magazine, blog, social network, business directory, events planner, etc. While I do feel Magento is the superior shopping cart platform, you still can’t beat Joomla for the sheer diversity and incredible functionality for other supporting elements.</blockquote>

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 239682 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    If Joomlart continues with their cloning mode (with some variations) creation of templates, as they did with JA templates, and not create one as I wish, I may have no choice but to look elsewhere and use others to custommize the template for me.


    Well, to that I would say – you have to do what is best for YOUR particular needs and project. While JA/JM may not enjoy reading this … if you cannot find what you are looking for in one of JM’s template offerings, then you have every right to seek other options elsewhere. As I said, while I still feel that JA’s Joomla templates are at the top of the mountain amongst the Joomla Template Clubs, their Magento templates simply are not what I want/need (at this point). As such, I will be utilizing a Magento theme from a different source – one that has multiple features I am seeking included within the theme design – while continuing to utilize JA Joomla template(s) for other elements of my entire project experience.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 239697 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well, to that I would say – you have to do what is best for YOUR particular needs and project. While JA/JM may not enjoy reading this … if you cannot find what you are looking for in one of JM’s template offerings, then you have every right to seek other options elsewhere. As I said, while I still feel that JA’s Joomla templates are at the top of the mountain amongst the Joomla Template Clubs, their Magento templates simply are not what I want/need (at this point). As such, I will be utilizing a Magento theme from a different source – one that has multiple features I am seeking included within the theme design – while continuing to utilize JA Joomla template(s) for other elements of my entire project experience.</blockquote>

    I agree, Tom. I have started searching but have not found any yet that I like, in terms of the aesthetic layout presentation. I still prefer some of the JM layouts. If I do choose RocketTheme, I know I have to do a lot of script changes to make work like I wanted to.

    Like you actually, I plan to use either Teline IV/JA 1.6 (that I revised drastically) for related topics or categories that would be relevant to the products to be sold. Then, link specific products and/or category of products in the articles in the Teline IV template that would send the visitor to the Online Store. I decided this independent approach for a reason. I plan to use a more secure IP address for the online stores. And, I won’t reveal it here, but this approach will address the terms of Joomla licensing for Magento templates. And, I can place all the online stores in a dedicated server.

    Can one purchase the Magento module directly from the Magento group? I can do that with VirtueMart; thus allowing me to use the JA templates I already revised.

    If you cannot post it here, I would be grateful if you can PM me the Magento extension (including the source) that you are buying.


    TomC Moderator

    The only “extension” version of Magento that I know of is called “MageBridge” –>

    Otherwise, the basic Community version of Magento, like Joomla, is open-source and FREE –>

    And for the list of extensions available for Magento –>

    (and here’s a little something you might find interesting) –>

    cgc0202 Friend

    WOW! If a company has a profit margin of 10%, the added cost of an enterprise Magento would require a reenue of more than $120K just to pay for the Magento fee, and it has to be paid annually.

    If I were back in my native country, I could hire several programmers annually to work fulltime for what Magento was asking.

    Is Magento really worth that? In e-commerce, it would be the quality of the merchandise that would make the difference.


    <em>@tcraw1010 239710 wrote:</em><blockquote>The only “extension” version of Magento that I know of is called “MageBridge” –>

    Otherwise, the basic Community version of Magento, like Joomla, is open-source and FREE –>

    And for the list of extensions available for Magento –>

    (and here’s a little something you might find interesting) –></blockquote>

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 239914 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Is Magento really worth that? In e-commerce, it would be the quality of the merchandise that would make the difference.
    For what they offer, I do not feel that the enterprise edition of Magento is worth what the Varien team has priced it at.
    I wonder how many merchants are actually paying that price?

    In my opinion, the Community Edition of Magento is still a superior shopping cart (out of the box) than any other free/open source shopping cart out there.

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