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  • propolis Friend


    Our site manages / supports 5 countries on our website. We are using JA Biz – any idea when that will be updated to work with Joomla 3.7.2


    shambala Friend

    After updating joomla 3.7+

    Teline V lastest error: Content article editing not working?

    Error 1: Content Manager: Add New Article> between new title and body text: Content/Images and Links/Options/General/Publishing/Configure Edit Screen/Permissions are disappeared or missing.

    Error 2: Content Manager: Add New Article> after adding a title and body text: Save Save & Close Save & New Cancel buttons are not responding or not working.

    card1concepts Friend

    How are we supposed to keep track of what templates have been fixed and which ones have not? Simply linking to this VERY long forum thread is not very helpful in knowing which of your templates are compatible with Joomla 3.7 and which ones are still screwed up?

    Maybe it already exists and I just don’t know where to find it? But a single page or at least a simple chart that lists all your templates and what joomla versions they can be used on would be helpful to everyone at this point.

    What a disorganized mess!

    Brandon Cardone

    jobbers67 Friend

    Hi, Im getting the error message showing on the public pages of the website when upgrading to PHP7

    "Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; JAT3_AdminUtil has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/7/d500699608/htdocs/test2/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/admin/util.php on line 21"

    The Server Error Reports setting is set to None but this still shows on all the public pages

    I was directed to post this here so it can be included in updates of the plugin

    angi23 Friend

    Yes, even in my case with the Ja Fixel 1.1.4 model, bugs are:

    1) the icon disappears in the "up to start" button
    2) the icon disappears in the "top panel" button

    Thank you.

    yfb01 Friend

    Any news? any reply at Joomlart’s?

    It is difficult to plan serious work with you guys.

    If I am obliged to change template because you don’t provide update and/or clear info, then I will simply look for another provider of templates more reliable…


    schlogo Friend

    bonne chance, les autres sont pires 😀

    waynedchen Friend

    Help! Menu -> Category list -> Single article => result in blank pages.

    Purity III, T3
    Updated to Joomla 3.7 PHP 7.1

    Problem: Main menu -> sub menu category and single article menus deleted during update.
    Unable to roll back.

    Now try to rebuild / create new sub menu category and single article menus, both category and single article pages all showing up completely blank page.

    Category list => blank screen

    Single article => blank screen

    Went through all the threads on this forum, did not find applicable solutions.
    Kindly assist if anyone shares similar issues, can point me in the right direction for resolution.

    Thank you.

    Wayne Chen

    pclemor Friend

    Not trying to be difficult but I read all of the comments on this thread – including the ones that claim that other advanced frameworks have issues with Joomla 3.7.x and I’m sorry to say that that’s just not the case… I just went through and updated over 25 sites with no issues and the ones with small issues were updated with an updated template file – all of which have been available for weeks/months…

    Now I am about to update the T3/Joomlart ones and boy has Joomlart fallen behind/messed something up… Disappointing.

    Completely destroys the one site I just updated… now wonder how long it will take for it Joomlart to make all templates [probably via T3 plugin] work again…


    Here’s to hoping they listen and work on fixing this for the thousands of sites that depend on their templates!

    pclemor Friend

    At least with JA Smashboard, upgrading to T3 Framework Plugin v2.6.5 while running Joomla v3.7.2 works even with Optimize CSS and Optimize JS turned ON as LONG as you pick JSmin and NOT Closure Compiler.

    Maybe that will help some of you out there…

    Caesar Wang Friend

    I updated to 3.7.2 after the uber template in the foreground menu submenu symbols became garbled.

    How can I fix it?

    thank you.

    1. 1-2
    2. 2
    vrscomputers Friend


    I updated Joomla, after updatıng to joomla 3.7 I have massıve error on my sıte:
    Notice: Undefined index: mime in /home/vrscompu/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/core/minify.php on line 236

    Could you please find the error and help me to resolve the issue


    vrscomputers Friend

    after updatıng to joomla 3.7 I have massıve error on my sıte:

    Notice: Undefined index: mime in /home/vrscompu/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/core/minify.php on line 236

    please help me to resolve the issue


    shorttimefun Friend

    Can’t put new menu icons for the JA_Smashboard theme. Anyone got a workaround?

    Emmanuel Friend

    I am having small problem with the JA Healthcare template for the website southbendtaxi.com
    After updating to the new Joomla 3.7.2, the font as shown is no longer white. I know it is CSS I just don’t know where. See image

    1. font-error
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