test melih
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  • sigmaaie Friend

    Hi all,

    I have a problem with Joomla cache in my website. Which is running in Joomla! 2.5. with Kranos theme.

    The issue is that when I clean ‘JAT3 Clean cache’ button it seems that all changes are done, but after some days the website style ‘breaks down’. Everything appers in plain HTML, without styles.
    To fix it I press the button again, and then styles appear again.

    Do you know, what is happening? Should I do not use JAT3 Clean cache button? Should I use the ‘Cache cleaner’ instead?

    The settings in the theme global configuration are:

    Enable Development Mode -> No
    Cache Mode -> Enable
    Cache Exclude -> –
    Enable Template Information -> Yes

    Optimize CSS -> No
    Optimize JS -> No
    Optimize Folder -> t3-assets
    Optimize Exclude -> –

    Thank you very much.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The problem on your site will fix with my setting, see the screenshot

    1. Config_Kranos
    sigmaaie Friend

    Thanks Ninja Lead. I’ll try what you are saying…

    One more thing, which is the best cache configuration? Right now the settings in my system are the following ones in the picture.

    Thanks again!

    1. vportalcom
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Yeah, you can use Cache Settings of Global Configuration on your site as in the screenshot

    sigmaaie Friend

    Thanx Ninja Lead!

    I’m gonna try configurating my settings with your first screenshot recomendation ( CSS&JS compression). But, with the Cache settings, which option do you recomend? OFF, ON- Conservative or ON- Progressive??

    Thank you very much!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is tools tip on Cache Settings: Enable or disable caching and set caching level.

    Conservative level: smaller system cache.
    Progressive level (default): faster, bigger system cache, includes module renderers cache. Not appropriate for extremely large sites.

    I suggest you use Progressive level

    sigmaaie Friend

    Ok, I’m gonna try… But this will ensure that my user won’t need to clean his browser cache to see every change in the content? Nowadays, with every change I make, web users have to clean the browser cache.

    Thank you again. I’m going crazy with all this things.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sigmaaie 11 years, 11 months ago.

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