Ok i have now intergrated FACEBOOK with my JOOMLA website
the following works correctly
1) The application joomlafacebook installed with mods and plugs
2) The facebook application created with keys and codes
3) the facebook joomla login correctly allows user into site
the niggles:
1) when the user clicks login with facebook it does not sync with CB builder automatically meaning that the user can not view a profile or amend one unless a manual cb sync is done with auto approve on.
the reason this occurs is that facebook sends a false email and a preformatted username usually something like fb_1234567
cb say that the user must login with the cb login for it to auto sync with cb however i struggle to see how this is possible…
2) From the above facebook sends the data to the joomla user admin and it seems to only receive basic data. Does anyone know how it is possible to extract more data from the users profile that will configure into the cb profile e.g Facebook profile schools could sync into a tab created for cb that would show this data. Phone number, area etc
Tip: If just the required data is the admin joom data then a simple sync in cb will allow user to view profile, however if more fields are required then the will be required to be completed which is impossible to do as the answers will be unknown (unless auto rule applies if left blank)
any help with this or if you have working solutions please advise
with thanks