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  • yacenty Friend

    How it’s going with Joomla and Joomlart theme setup?
    Is it much work needed to configure such site like You demo of http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_teline_ii is done?

    Are there any tutorials how to set it up by person that is just starting with joomla?
    I know WP a little bit, I know very good IPB and a little bit vB. Could I manage to set up such site with this forum help?

    Is it hard to localize such cms and theme? I mean – is it possible and how much work is needed to make Polish portal on such system?

    Is anybody interested in setting such system for me?
    Thanks in advance

    hanifahmed Friend

    If you want the template to appear exactly as it does in the demo. then you need to install the QuickStart (which means you shouldn’t have Joomla already installed on your server and should be a fresh brand new Joomla installation and the template will come as default).

    If you want just the template without the content, install Joomla first then install just the template.

    The only real config you need to do is if you use the quick start, then you need to just config the joomla db settings.

    yacenty Friend

    is there newest joomla in the box?
    is it easy to localize it? I mean import polish lang pack?

    hanifahmed Friend

    Yes, all quick start packs are updated to J1.5.10 and anything you can do on a previous joomla installation you can do on this one.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hanifahmed 15 years, 8 months ago.

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