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  • Tech-xml Friend

    JACM statistical style 3 is not working. Use the same parameters of the demo module.

    Css Magician Friend

    @insofticursos, Thank you for checking out our product!

    Seem that there is problem with the JACM statistical style 3, you can open file templatesuberacmstatisticstmplstyle-3.php and replace

    <?php echo $helper->get ('stats-count', $i) ?>


    <?php echo $helper->get ('data.stats-count', $i) ?>

    Hope this helps.

    Tech-xml Friend

    The problem turned

    I upgraded to 2.2 Uber And JCM to 2.1

    I applied the changes of the previous post, but the problem has not resolved

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @insofticursos: I checked templates/uber/acm/statistics/tmpl/style-3.php file and see it has been upgraded with fix from @Css Magician

    Can you give me the screenshot what you are trying to achieve. Which area are you referring to on your site? I might be able to help you out then.

    Tech-xml Friend

    @ninja Lead I sent a message to the site data:

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@insofticursos 455650 wrote:</em><blockquote>@Ninja Lead I sent a message to the site data:</blockquote>

    I helped you to config “Marcos Domicio – Statistics Style 3” module with Style 3 and you can see it on blog page, see the screenshot

    1. style_3
    Tech-xml Friend

    @ninja Lead – Where will I need to publish the module is not working.

    Send the link of the page and the module for your message box

    I think it is a small conflict. I do not know how to debug, more can make any modifications you request.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @insofticursos: Where did you define “poexpautor” position on your site? You need to change style in that position


    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="poexpautor" style="xhtml" />


    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="poexpautor" style="T3section" />

    Tech-xml Friend

    I created this position by typing the name in the module administration.
    How do I add this position?
    It would be the templateDetails.xml?

    Tech-xml Friend

    @ninja Lead – I’m wondering:

    I’m using the Default Layout

    What is the file I add this code?

    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="poexpautor" style="T3section" />

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    poexpautor position is already on your site ,I spent a lot time to find it but I could not.

    You can see the screenshot here

    Did you know where was it define on your site?

    1. poexpautor
    Tech-xml Friend

    @ninja Lead – I can not publish the module in full-width position because it displays the end of the content.
    I need this module is displayed in the middle of content, so I’m using the parameter; {loadposition poexpautor} to call the module.

    The loadposition position was created when I edited the module. Do not create any position in tempalte.

    The solution is apena make this change;
    <jdoc: include type = “modules” name = “poexpautor” style = “T3section” />

    Where do it?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The format {loadposition poexpautor} could not support to load database from Statistics Style 3 under JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module.

    I fixed the problem between style = “T3section” and style = “xhtml” directly on your site. Now you can see poexpautor positon is working fine with Statistics Style 3.

    You can check it again, let me know if it helps

    Tech-xml Friend

    Solved! Thank @ninja Lead.

    I would like to know which files you edited if I need in the future to update the template Uber.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@insofticursos 456544 wrote:</em><blockquote>Solved! Thank @ninja Lead.

    I would like to know which files you edited if I need in the future to update the template Uber.</blockquote>

    I made some changes on your site as below:

    – In the file: templates/system/html/modules.php , find and remove

    function modChrome_xhtml($module, &$params, &$attribs)
    if (!empty ($module->content)) : ?>
    <div class="moduletable<?php echo htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx')); ?>">
    <?php if ((bool) $module->showtitle) : ?>
    <h3><?php echo $module->title; ?></h3>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php echo $module->content; ?>
    <?php endif;

    – In templates/uber/html/modules.php file, add new this rule

    function modChrome_xhtml($module, &$params, &$attribs)
    $badge = preg_match ('/badge/', $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'))? '<span class="badge"> </span>' : '';
    $moduleTag = htmlspecialchars($params->get('module_tag', 'div'));
    $headerTag = htmlspecialchars($params->get('header_tag', 'h3'));
    $headerClass = $params->get('header_class');
    $bootstrapSize = $params->get('bootstrap_size');
    $moduleClass = !empty($bootstrapSize) ? ' col-sm-' . (int) $bootstrapSize . '' : '';
    $moduleClassSfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
    $moduleIntro = $params->get('module-intro');
    $bgImage = $params->get('module-background');
    $bgImageSize = $params->get('module-background-size');
    $bgImagePo = $params->get('module-background-position','center center');
    $moduleBg = $bgImage ? 'style="background-image: url(' . JUri::base(true) . '/' . $bgImage . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: '.$bgImagePo.'; background-size: '.$bgImageSize.'"' : '';

    if (!empty ($module->content)) {
    $html = "<{$moduleTag} class="section{$moduleClassSfx} {$moduleClass}" id="section-{$module->id}" " . $moduleBg . ">" .
    "" . $badge;

    $html .= "<div class="section-ct">{$module->content}</div></{$moduleTag}>";

    echo $html;

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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