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  • pcclnz5599 Friend

    In my Joomla – Extension – Exstension manager, the tab “Joomlart Installer” does not exist
    How can I get it?
    For this reason I can’t install the “Sample package for Uber Construction”.

    I have installed J33 file and now is working 2.0.1 version. I don’t understand why there is not the tab Joomla Installer.

    I visualize only:
    and not the entire Construction template, as I’m looking for…

    Tx in advance

    pavit Moderator


    you should reactivate the joomlart installer plugin

    pcclnz5599 Friend

    Could you please tell me how to do it?

    The only joomla installer that I have is: (on the web)

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>For this reason I can’t install the “Sample package for Uber Construction”.</blockquote>

    Seems that you haven’t installed the quickstart version of Uber

    You need to install the quickstart version so you can install the Uber Construction template and have available the Joomlart installer plugin

    pcclnz5599 Friend

    This is my problem, I have installed the quickstart version but something don t work properly.
    I try to install it again
    I’m so sad…

    Ps x Pavit, son sicuro di aver istallato uber_j33.zip via ftp. La mia versione attuasle è la 2.0.1. Potresti accedere al mio sito con le credenziali, please? e controllare prima che reinstalli tutto?

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>Ps x Pavit, son sicuro di aver istallato uber_j33.zip via ftp. La mia versione attuasle è la 2.0.1. Potresti accedere al mio sito con le credenziali, please? e controllare prima che reinstalli tutto?</blockquote>

    Ho già controllato prima di risponderti e ho notato che non hai installato il quickstart file , per essere più precisi hai installato il quickstart ma non hai installato i sample data , Uber funziona in questo modo

    Senza installare i dati di esempio ottieni quello che hai tu adesso
    Installando i sample data hai il plugin Joomlart installer che ti consente di installare il singolo template che desideri con le estensioni relative già configurate.

    pcclnz5599 Friend

    ok reinstallo il tutto.
    grazie molte x il tuo aiuto.Stammi bene

    lbalde Friend


    Can someone translate the resolution steps here?

    I’m facing the same symptoms on using a local joomla + wampserver + windows8.


    lbalde Friend

    Never mind. Found an insight from Hung Dinh through another thread.

    PS: Would be helpful to update the Quickstart installation doc (step 3)

    Thanks, Lamine


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lbalde 9 years, 8 months ago.

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