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  • Rick Bisschop Friend

    Hi Guys & girls,

    I need some info/tips how to ad a Joomshopping search field to the main menu (see screen shot).

    Help is more then welcome,


    1. search2
    swissa Friend

    You need to download the joomshopping search module – make sure you pick the right one for J2.5 or J3 – http://www.webdesigner-profi.de/joomla-webdesign/joomla-shop/downloads/modules.html?lang=en

    Install it, give it position slideshow2 and add a suffix “ swissa“ to the module (or whatever suffix you want)

    Add to template.css

    #ja-slideshow2 div.ja-moduletable.swissa{
    z-index: 15;
    float: right;
    top: -55px;
    margin-bottom: -50px;

    and it should work….

    1. js-search
    Rick Bisschop Friend

    Hi Swissa,

    Thanks for the tip and how to, it works but the position isn’t correct should be to the right of the main menu (see screen shot)

    Maybe have to adjust the added CSS

    #ja-slideshow2 div.ja-moduletable.Raincheck{
    z-index: 15;
    float: right;
    top: -55px;
    margin-bottom: -50px;

    Site url: http://www.mahersphoto.ie

    Grtx Rain

    1. search001
    2. search002
    swissa Friend


    Two things…
    1. You need to ensure that there is a leading space for the suffix ” Raincheck” NOT “Raincheck”. Very important. Change that and it will work for all pages except the landing page….

    (always better to never use capitals in suffixes and css)


    2. Because the first page calls slideshow the css would need to be very different. So let’s save some time and edit the layout instead. Go to Template Manager / Tiris and click on the ‘Layout’ tab. We need to edit the default layout so that slideshow2 is before slideshow just like in this image. Then it will work on every page (as long as you edit the suffix)

    1. layout
    Rick Bisschop Friend

    Hi Swissa,

    Changed the suffix to raincheck + leading space in the module and template.css
    Changed the order in the default layout
    Cleared/cleaned the cache

    The search field moved up above the slideshow on the home page but still underneath the main menu


    Thanks for your help btw.


    swissa Friend

    css is wrong – you have a space before raincheck.
    (You need a space before within the module but not in the css)

    should be

    #ja-slideshow2 div.ja-moduletable.raincheck{
    z-index: 15;
    float: right;
    top: -55px;
    margin-bottom: -50px;

    and then it will work! 🙂

    Rick Bisschop Friend

    Hi Swissa,

    My wrong thought had to ad the leading space before the suffix in the css as well, as suggested removed the leading space and voila like you said it’s perfect now.

    Big thank you!


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rick Bisschop 10 years, 6 months ago.

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