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  • marco17 Friend

    Hi, it displays in the botton of the blog page (the news) this text JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL. How can i remove it ? Many Thanks.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Pls refer to this thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showpost.php?p=168391&postcount=16

    Or you add :
    JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL=Page %s of %s

    inside the global langugage ( for example: en-GB.ini)

    Good luck

    marco17 Friend

    Many thanks for your quick replay, we have solved the problem.

    Now we want to take out the link Mobile version in the footer and there is a link (it is not showed but when move the cursor …..) just under the mobile version (a little bit on the right) to t3.joomlart.com with a alt Powered by T3 Framework.. We would like to take out this link too.

    Muchas gracias.

    p.s. sorry for my english

    ftht1 Friend

    <em>@marco17 171113 wrote:</em><blockquote>Many thanks for your quick replay, we have solved the problem.

    Now we want to take out the link Mobile version in the footer and there is a link (it is not showed but when move the cursor …..) just under the mobile version (a little bit on the right) to t3.joomlart.com with a alt Powered by T3 Framework.. We would like to take out this link too.

    Muchas gracias.

    p.s. sorry for my english</blockquote>
    to remove the layout switcher you just open the file templates/ja_kyanite/layouts/blocks/footer.php
    and remove this line:

    <li class="layout-switcher"><?php $this->loadBlock('usertools/layout-switcher') ?></li>

    then to remove the power by link you remove these lines:

    <div id="ja-poweredby">
    <a id="t3-logo" href="http://t3.joomlart.com" title="Powered By T3 Framework" target="_blank">Powered By T3 Framework</a>

    marco17 Friend

    Many thanks. It is solved.


    tonyh01 Friend

    I had the same problem and added

    JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL = page %s of %s

    to the en-GB.ini file.

    This has removed the JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL from the bottom of the page

    but it is not calculating and it now says

    page %s of 1

    any ideas on what I need to add/change?


    Saguaros Moderator

    <em>@tonyh01 202608 wrote:</em><blockquote>I had the same problem and added

    JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL = page %s of %s

    to the en-GB.ini file.

    This has removed the JPAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL from the bottom of the page

    but it is not calculating and it now says

    page %s of 1

    any ideas on what I need to add/change?


    Sorry, i have edited the thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/jpage_current_of_total-in-the-botton-of-the-page-type-blog/#post-337546

    Please try again

    tonyh01 Friend

    Thanks – that works fine now

    Phill Moderator

    Thanks for resolving your thread. Marking as closed.

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