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  • nashlah Friend


    A bizarre thing is happening on my website. I have a menu across the top, and a menu on the right column.

    When I pass my mouse over the top menu, part of my website is moved down. Then if I pass my mouse over the menu on the right, it all moves back up.

    I’ve noticed that this problem only happens in Internet Explorer. I have attached a gif file to illustrate the problem: http://www.endinmind.com/images/stories/endinmindprob.gif

    This is my website: http://www.endinmind.com
    Running: Joomla 1.5.8
    Template: JA-Pyrite

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to look at my post and helping me out! 😉


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi nashlah,

    I have checked your website on IE7 but could not find your issue.
    With ie6, i see the menu is break down.

    Please try to fix this issue as follow:

    Open file templates/japyrite/css/template.css, at about line 558, find following script:

    .narrow #ja-tp, .narrow #ja-mainnav, .narrow #ja-subnav, .narrow #ja-container, .narrow #ja-footer {

    and change to:

    .narrow #ja-tp, .narrow #ja-subnav, .narrow #ja-container, .narrow #ja-footer {

    Hope it helps.

    nashlah Friend

    Thank you for the prompt reply!

    I have done as instructed but my problem persists, is there anything else I could try?

    I am running IE7 on my computer as well.

    Thanks a bunch for the assistance!


    nashlah Friend

    Does anyone else have a suggestion of what I can do to avoid the website from moving when I put my mouse over the menu?

    Any help would be much appreciated!



    markb1439 Friend

    <em>@nashlah 105628 wrote:</em><blockquote>Does anyone else have a suggestion of what I can do to avoid the website from moving when I put my mouse over the menu?

    Any help would be much appreciated!


    I don’t have a specific answer, but in general I would simply take a close look at all the CSS driving your menus. It looks as if the “hover” CSS may have a slightly different padding or margin setting that is causing the menu item to be bigger when moused over. I would check everything and try to make sure that everything is exactly the same in the standard and hovered versions of the CSS.

    nashlah Friend

    Hey mark –

    That was actually it. It has been solved – solution on this thread:

    markb1439 Friend

    Sorry I was too late, but glad you got it solved. 🙂

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